Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Signs of spring and evening sewing..............

I raked some of the leaves off the back flower beds and found the Columbine starting to grow.

There is a little color on one of the mini Sedum plants.  This plant didn't have flower stalks like some of the other varieties.

One of the ordinary variety of Sedum that is close the the house on the south side is starting to grow.  I haven't seen any growth yet on the ones that are out farther in the garden or next to the mailbox in front of the house.

I'm thinking that this is the start of my Lemon Lily along with some Creeping Charlie.  That stuff stays green all winter.

Last evening I worked on more blocks for the Improv quilt top.  I sewed 2 more rows earlier in the day, 6 out of 9 rows are sewn now.  They are approximately 80" long so that will be the width of the quilt.  I need to design one more row because right now it would finish at 89" long and I want a more rectangular quilt.

Comcast has notified me that they are updating my internet (and everyone else's too) tomorrow so there will be an outage for 2 hours in the early morning and possibly sporadic outages all through the day.  I'm glad I'll still have 4G on my phone to stay in the loop.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

It is always so nice to see signs of spring isn't it. I love going outside at this time of year looking for all the growth of plants

patty a. said...

Yes spring is around the corner so another season to battle the creepin' Charlie!

Julierose said...

Great to see those emerging plants you put in last year coming up again!!
Spring is such a hopeful season...
Thanks for the info on comcast [we use them, too].
Hugs, Julierose

Shelina said...

It is exciting to see buds coming out of the ground. Spring is definitely on the way. Interesting, I've never gotten notice about internet going down ever, but I don't have Comcast. Usually it goes down and I wind up calling and they don't know anything about it and I have to do all sorts of troubleshooting only for it to magically come up again.

JJM said...

Fun to see whats popping up in your yard versus my yard. Our weather is similar but our altitudes are a bit different. You’re at 669 altitude and we’re 3500.

Good to see more new improvs popping up too.


Mystic Quilter said...

It's good to see your new Spring growth coming through, especially the Columbines, I have lots of the pink ones in my garden, all finished now ready for the Autumn weather.