Yesterday looked like it would be a "snow day" to stay inside and sew but it turned out very differently. At 9:10 a.m. I got a call that my mother was going to the emergency room in an ambulance and that I might want to come over and be with my dad. My mother has had swallowing problems for years and she thought she had a pill stuck in her throat from the previous night. I grabbed my bag that I had prepared with my yo-yo makers in it. They were just getting her on the gurney when I got there, vital signs all good and in fact she walked to the gurney. They saw how elderly my dad was and suggested we just wait at the apt. instead of sitting in the emergency room waiting room, while we waited to bring her home. Three hours passed so I finally called the hospital to see what was going on and they were admitting her.
It seems that one of the routine tests showed something else that they wanted to check. Her throat checked out ok and we are hoping we will get a call this morning to go pick her up.I made a little batch of yo-yos to keep my sanity, and when I got home I replenished the bag with some more fabrics, just in case.The sun came out yesterday and most of the streets and driveways that had been plowed melted off. The sun is out again today but it will be below freezing if the prediction is right.