Thursday, March 3, 2022

One more photo...........

I forgot to add this photo to the post yesterday.  This rose print is an older Kaffe fabric and I have about 7 yards of it.  I thought it would make a nice back for this star quilt (made with Bear Paw die cut pieces).  Here is the post where I started this quilt.

There are shelves under the center of my cutting table and I hadn't looked at the things on the back side of it for a long time.  Way back in the shelf were these 3 boxes of "stuff I don't need".  It is from another time period when I thought I would make embellished wallhangings.

I can see why I bought this trim with the cute elephants.  I like it.  Will I use it?  Probably not.

I dusted off several years of dust and now have a space to store things that I will use.


Cherie Moore said...

Love the backing fabric…..keeping with the orange theme :) it’s always nice to free up more space for fabric:-D

Libby in TN said...

I'm bad about holding on to "stuff I don't need," too. Some of it was Mom's stuff and she's been gone 40 years. But the minute a get rid of it I'll need those gold sequins or the ball fringe!

Julierose said...

Lovely backing fabric for the stars! I have "stuff" from other crafting projects squirreled away too...Hugs Julierose

Chris said...

Hi Wanda, Isn't it amazing how we have stuff that we totally forgot about? I must say, I love the elephant trim too!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like the border on the quilt. I have drawers like that in each room of the house - I really should go through them and get rid of things I do tend to hold on to little things that I know in the back of my mind I will never use

patty a. said...

Love the backing fabric! It will look great! Those trims and beads are pretty. Looks like something that you could sell at your next pop up shop!

Nann said...

I read your 2011 post. You wrote, "I was afraid I would just fill boxes with cut pieces to be sold at my estate sale. I feared that I wouldn't take the time to sew them.".....And 11 years later you're sewing some of those pieces....

Needled Mom said...

I love that backing for the quilt. lol. I have some of that trim too. I’ll likely not use mine either, but I still think it’s a fun trim.

JustGail said...

I have so many unused project supplies too. I think it's called being human, having plans & ideas but not enough time/energy/funds to do them all. Usually my unused items stay because even if I have no interest in the original project, I can think of other ways to use them. More correctly - ways I might maybe someday perhaps possibly use them, also known as "could be useful someday!". I'd be tempted to pin the elephants to the bottom of one of your African fabrics color wash quilts (you *do* still have at least one of them?), at least for a bit.

Yet another great example of a fabric I'd pass by in the store because I forget quilts need backings too.

Anonymous said...

I love this quilt and the backing is perfect. Reading the comments here makes
me feel good to know I am not the only one who saves things to use "someday."
I feel like I'm the queen of someday I will use this! Thanks for sharing those cute little elephants. If they were mine, I know I would not be able to part with them!

Kay in Kansas

Kristin said...

Lovely quilt and backing fabric!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Love seeing the quilt again and the backing is terrific. I have been purging my unused craft stuff when I find it, it makes me feel lighter.

JJM said...

I thought I sent my comment in early today, but on checking tonight its not there.

You’ve done it again ~ You sure have an awesome stash of fabric to always complement your quilt tops. This backing sure shows that.

And those fun trims that you had forgotten made me smile. Looks like a ‘treasure trove’ of fun. Add a string around your flower pots, or maybe bottom of a lampshade. If they aren’t what you want to add to your pieces today. They’re too cute to put back in storage….


Quiltdivajulie said...

Yup, more cool stuff (I keep finding things, too - you are NOT the only one). Pop-up shop item? Fabulous backing ….

sewyouquilt2 said...

Very cool. Do I know what stuff I have? Maybe....maybe not lol. Pretty fabric

Shelina said...

Love the elephant trim. I have a hefty collection of trims and do-dads too, and haven't used nearly enough to justify keeping it. I have to make a bigger effort to use it.