Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Only a little progress...........

I did make it around another corner but didn't even finish one long side yesterday.  I just found too many other things to do.  I did grocery shopping first, then weed control in the back garden and watering the tomato plants that are in pots.  That was followed by laundry, a have to duty because I was running out of clean clothes.  I did a little stitching at noon while I waited for the weather segment of the news.  Then 2 more sessions happened throughout the day to get about 60" hand sewn.  To end up my monthly goals I need to finish this binding and get the border on the I Spy quilt.  I have 3 days, that should be enough time.


sandi collins said...


Julierose said...

annoying how household chores interrupt our prime sewing time, isn't it? :)))
Today will be one of those days for me: haircut, food shopping,
laundry etc ;00
Only 63 this morning, overcast--looks like pretty heavy cloud cover--DP 62--I guess we are in for quite a bit of rain starting this evening...at least it's holding off until AFTER my haircut hahaha
Hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

house and garden chores do cut into sewing time. I do a small load or two of laundry several times a week so I don't have a lot gathered up - that way it doesn't take long to do

Barbara Anne said...

Household tasks, gardening, and errands certainly cut into sewing time!

You're making wonderful progress on the binding and I, too, love the dragonfly backing fabric.


JJM said...

You keep us entertained all year long with your daily quilt shows… we all realize theres house and yard work that needs to get done also.


Ann said...

Yes, there have been lots of little household chores like that around here.

MissPat said...

Here it is, Labor Day weekend coming up, and I look at all the house and garden maintenance I was going to do and wonder where the time went. I, unlike you, can't even say I got much quilting done. I need to do less blog reading and more sewing, I guess.

Patty said...

There are times when you just have to do those tasks to support the creative times. You will be able to get that binding done by the end of the month. I’m starting to make my list for the Labor Day weekend to figure out what I absolutely have to do and what I want to do.

Mystic Quilter said...

Well, you packed quite a lot into your day! Fingers crossed that you do indeed meet your month target.