Thursday, August 10, 2023

Not much sewing............

This was the extent of my sewing yesterday, the long seam in the backing of the lavender dragonflies for the pastel diamonds quilt.  I hope to do some fun stuff today

I left home early for grocery shopping, bank drive-up and pharmacy.  While I was in a driving mood I went to the next town to the gas station for a fill-up.  Last fill-up was 3 months ago so you can see how little driving I do.  Then I decided I wanted a Subway sandwich.  I hadn't had one for 2 or 3 years.  Finally back home. 

Around 2 a friend of a friend came over to dig up Redbud renegades that he replants lots of places.  He had gotten some a couple other years too.  I think he got at least a dozen.  I had already dug 5 out of my front garden for him just before he got here.  Then he offered to cut my low hanging branches of my Redbud trees, you know, the ones that whack you in the face while you are mowing grass.  I can cut them with my 3" loppers but I'm just not tall enough to reach the spot where they need to be cut.

I have had about 5 or 6 Sunflowers come up from dropped seed or squirrel plantings.  They are only pretty for about a week.

This is what the one I showed a couple weeks ago looks like now.  I can't tell if those are seeds or some other kind of growth.  I have it tied to 2 stakes because it was falling over.  Some day I'm going to have to plant a proper big Sunflower.



Julierose said...

You got a lot done;)) I was going to plant sunflowers this year, but never got around to it, My packet of seeds is still waiting...
Only 62 this morning with DP 61 so a bit on the muggy side. Supposed to get thunderstorms this afternoon; i will be doing my food shopping this morning and tom goes to his first PT appointment...
I hope to cut and prep my binding for Autumn Meadows..
hugs, Julierose

Linda Swanekamp said...

I love sunflowers, but I lose the battle with squirrels who rip them to shreds just as they are going to bloom, so I don't plant them now. Great that you got so many errands done- they suck up a lot of time.

Helenchaffin said...

sometimes it's good to just get out & about, sewing is slow over hereim mad at my machine although it's not it fault my red linen capris didn't fit,guess I forgot about the little weight gain🤣I'm trying to learn embroidery,I know now why a lazy Daisy is
called a lazy Daisy stitch,it looks like I was too lazy to do it right🤣

Anonymous said...

Looks like is could be a Super Snack variety of sunflower 🌻

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love those sunflowers. I haven't had a subway sandwich in years now I feel like having one! I have been pulling, red buds, maples and elms out of my garden all summer and now I found wild violets growing in there too - I can see I will have a busy time this fall getting the garden ready for winter.

Mary said...

I'm glad your friend's friend helped you out with the trimming. Surely those are the starts of seed development. I can't imagine what else they could be.

JJM said...

You accomplished a lot yesterday even though you didn’t get any sewing done. All errands that needed to get crossed off your list.
And getting some help with digging and trimming besides. Good day I’d say ~


Barbara Anne said...

Not much sewing, but much needed errands were accomplished along with acquiring that yummy Subway sandwich!

Enjoy the fun of whatever you do today. :)

How nice of you to share your overload of redbuds, too!


Anonymous said...

Those are actually individual flowers that are dying off as they have been pollinated and producing a seed. Many people don't realize that the head of a sunflower is actually many tiny fused flowers surrounded by a calyx, what most people refer to as "petals".

Great job on the sunflowers. I love when the squirrels and birds help plant my garden.