I decided to record the growth of a few of the plants so I can remember from year to year. Here is one Jack in the Pulpit and a teeny one behind and to the right. I had 2 plants there last year, right below the main bird feeder/plant hanger. My neighbors have a whole bed of them next to their garage that were there when they moved in 36 years ago.I love the way the hosta looks when it first comes up. Those are violets coming up behind them. When they both grow up, the ground is totally packed with plant life. This is the color of the peony stems from my earliest plants. When we moved here 36 years ago (same year my neighbors moved in) there were 43 peony plants in the back yard, with only 2 alike. Over the years I have moved some, have given away some but still have more than 30 plants. You can see some other little plants in the background. This is the color of the stems of some of the other peonies. Again, more violets, and everyone's favorite, the dandelion. This is the biggest columbine plant. It will have medium rose colored flowers. Some of my deep rose columbine plants have started growing and the blue and pale pink ones have barely come up.I finished preparing for my next 2 days when I will be at the elementary schools for the art projects. I probably won't post until late tomorrow, after I get home.
Looks as if your perennials are flourishing! Must be from all that snow you had to cope with this winter. Fun to see how your spring garden is growing compared to mine.
I love garden-in-progress pictures. Spring is such a nice time of year, everything's just budding and peeking out of the ground... so much expectation! Can't wait to see how it all looks in the Summer.
I bet you are SO glad to finally be seeing signs of spring! Please make sure to post photos of those peonies when they bloom. I can't grow them here in southern CA, and I sure miss them. The peony quilt block I just made just isn't the same!
Wow! Thanks for showing your garden. I've never had the experience of growing these plants - I don't think they grow too well in California? I would never have known what those plants were. Except for the columbine. I have grown those. I wonder if they'll grow here in WA? Anyway, thanks! I learned something today!
Looks as if your perennials are flourishing! Must be from all that snow you had to cope with this winter. Fun to see how your spring garden is growing compared to mine.
It sure is nice to see winter finally ended!
All I can say is this does not seem fair! Actually, it is so nice to see that it is green somewhere! I'm posting my nice green plants -- maybe in May?
Do you find that your garden inspires some of your quilts?
I love garden-in-progress pictures. Spring is such a nice time of year, everything's just budding and peeking out of the ground... so much expectation! Can't wait to see how it all looks in the Summer.
I bet you are SO glad to finally be seeing signs of spring! Please make sure to post photos of those peonies when they bloom. I can't grow them here in southern CA, and I sure miss them. The peony quilt block I just made just isn't the same!
Wow! Thanks for showing your garden. I've never had the experience of growing these plants - I don't think they grow too well in California? I would never have known what those plants were. Except for the columbine. I have grown those. I wonder if they'll grow here in WA? Anyway, thanks! I learned something today!
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