Tuesday, April 30, 2024

2 finishes......................

This Friendship Star quilt is one of a series of quilts made with solids and prints, inspired by Lynn (check out her blog - she gives cutting and sewing directions for all of the quilts).  It is  62" x 71".  I have finished a couple of the others, zipper and framed 9 patch.

I used a lot of novelty or conversation prints in the blocks so it could be used as an I Spy quilt.

There is one panel down the center of the back and 2 narrower pieces sewn to the sides to make it the right size. 

I used Hobbs 80/20 batting and beige thread to quilt it.  I chose a light color binding and I think it worked great.

And then there is Charley in the Forest.  I have to say this one is near the top of my favorite quilt list.  I started out with the Arboretum directions for the trees by Anne of Springleaf Studios.  After making many trees I got the idea to use my Charley Harper bird fabrics mixed in.  Then I made some larger trees and mini trees to give it a little more character.  It is 65.5" x 87.5".  The trees are all made of Kaffe Fassett Aboriginal Dot in a lot of colors  and the tree backgrounds are Kaffe Fassett collective fabrics.  I think there is one Martha Negley fabric background in there too.

I was lucky enough to find a half price sale on the Charley Harper fabric on the back of the quilt.  I love woodpeckers so it is perfect for this quilt.

The batting is Hobbs 80/20 and the binding is a red/orange Kaffe Fassett older fabric.  Did I tell you how much I love this quilt?



starflash quilts said...

I love the trees💕💕

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Two fabulous finishes. I love them both.

Anonymous said...

Really love the Charlie Harper quilt!

Helenchaffin said...

both quilts are beautiful! the woodpecker backing is perfect for the trees!

Nann said...

Charley. SWOON! I still have Lynn D's instructions from the workshop I attended. For fabric selection: 1/3 follow the rules, 1/3 break the rules, 1/3 more of what's needed (more structure or more chaos).

helenreimers said...

These trees are fantastic. The addition of birds add just the right touch.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I really like the bird blocks scattered throughout!

Julierose said...

Two beautiful finishes, Wanda; I also love "Charley" a lot--just such a happy piece!! And the stars quilt has so many great fabrics to look at in it!!
Great finishes both!! :)))
55 here--back to Spring time temps and cloudy skies with cool breezy winds....
I got my food shopping done early this week as I have a Wed. eye appointment
my 6 mo. check up for pressure...
Hope you have fun gardening this week--I am waiting for Mem. Day to plant here...hugs, Julierose

JJM said...

I agree “Charlie in the Forest” dominates your post today. You created an amazing quilt with your forest and birds.

“Friendship Stars” glimmer and gleam, it shows happiness and fun.


Penny Gold said...

Yes, Charley in the Forest is really special! Such a brilliant idea to add the Charley Harper bird fabrics to the trees The birds are so happy to be on this quilt :-)

LG said...

I agree about the tree quilt, it's delightful. Maybe it's time to update your favorites on the side bar??

Heather said...

I'm so happy that Charley in the Forest is among your top faves. When you started work on it, I was smitten. Thanks to your info, I found Anne the designer's site and proceeded to make not just one, but two lap/wall Arboretum quilts! Though I used my stash, both for the backgrounds and the branches, they totally channel yours and Anne's. And I love love love them. (Did I mention I love trees, too?)
heather :)

Barbara Anne said...

Applause, applause!! Two beautiful unique and newly finished quilts to add to the positive Karma the world needs.

You're amazing, Wanda!!


patty a. said...

The Charley in the Forest quilt is freakin' amazing! I hope you keep that and sleep under it tonight! The friendship star quilt is so colorful and lively!

Anonymous said...

I love everything about these 2 quilts! Well done!!!

Kay in Kansas

Vicki W said...

I loved that Charlie quilt while you were making it and I love it more now. Two great finishes!

Linda Swanekamp said...

I also loved the quilt when you were working on it and love it even more how it finished. The friendship star quilt is also stunning in its color choices and placement. I think the Charlie Harper quilt is one of my favorites ever. When I was a kid, my father worked for Ford and got a Ford magazine that often had Charley Harper illustrations. I had no idea who he was, but treasured those pictures. Wish I had them now!

Mary said...

I absolutey love Charley in the Forest. It gives the Kaffe prints a different look.

Mystic Quilter said...

Wanda, to save you having to respond to 4 or 5 of my comments (due to health I'm behind). Charley in the Forest is stunning, I love all the colour here. Your 1996 quilt again has beautiful fabrics and can't believe you began way back with this one, I'm looking forward to seeing the finish line!

Kristin said...

I love, love, love your Charley in the Forest quilt! So colorful, bright and cheery!

Anonymous said...

You are so inspiring! I love both of these quilts and thanks to your link I checked out Anne’s tutorial. Thank you! I have to say I like yours better with the varying sizes of tree blocks and the bird fabric is a perfect addition that allows the trees to breathe. I can see why it’s one of your favorites 😍 I have a bunch of batiks that are jumping up and down to be used for the arboretum quilt.

So who will be the lucky recipients of these two beauties? Darlene in STL

Amy said...

This is my favorite quilt you have made. You are very inspiring.