Thursday, April 25, 2024

One more fabric............

I found another Kaffe print in the same red/orange as the button fabric for a possible choice for binding. I have to check all around the edge and make sure that fabric wasn't used in an edge block.

I spent all morning yesterday sorting my brown/rust/gold fabrics.  They had been displaced when I started moving things around in the basement.  I love the rich earthy tones but they don't seem to be very popular with most people.  These fabrics were formerly on a shelf unit where my black and whites reside now.  I can move these boxes to an area where I don't have to walk around them now.

A lot of the quilt tops I have made so far this year have been projects that were cut or started in previous years.  I decided to pull out another partially cut and pieced project that was started in July 1996 in a class I was teaching.

I love all of these fabrics even after all of those years.

This is the book I was teaching from.  I went to a week long seminar in Chicago that was offered by Mary Ellen Hopkins in the mid 1980s.  We each made a sample from this book during that week.

This is the one I made.  I like all of the fabrics in this one too.

It's a little hard to see the X blocks because the fabrics are too close in value.  It's prettier in real life.

When I was out in the garden yesterday I noticed the violets are filling in between the Lily of the Valley.

The batteries for my mower aren't holding a charge so I ordered new ones.  My neighbor was kind enough to finish my mowing in the front and also mow my backyard.


Mary said...

I noticed that you have been addressing some older projects this year. You must be clearing out a bunch of project boxes. We have violets showing up all over our lawn and flowerbeds too.

Julierose said...

Oh how great you could take a class with her--I had her books--and so enjoyed them...what lovely fabrics in those older wips--it is hard to find fabrics of that type these days, I find. So pretty...
45 here this morning and ptly sunny... Our morning newsflash!!!!:

My son took his dog "Lucy" out for their morning walk in the conservation area behind their house and she encountered a huge porcupine!! They rushed her to their vet and they got 50 quills out and counting!! they hope they got them all (under anesthesia of course!!). Thankfully Jeff has pet insurance...

Jeff luckily only got a couple himself that he removed and he had on his sturdy boots which saved him from the porcupine's bite!! He had to beat the thing off the dog with a branch!!! How scarey is that!! What a way to start the day, huh?
I'd think seriously about ever walking that path again!!
Hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I had a book by Mary Ellen Hopkins but lost track of it and haven't found it. That new red your found for binding looks like it would work out well. Nice the neighbor finished up your lawn for you

Nann said...

I went to one of MEH's last trunk shows about 20 years ago when Patched Works (Trudie Hughes in Brookfield, WI) hosted her. She was a hoot then and she must have been such a dynamo in her prime. Long before that I bought her first book, but I was poor and thrifty back then and it was the only one I could afford. Since then I've gotten several others at sales.

I keep thinking I don't have many WIPs but I open a drawer or a box and surprise myself.

JJM said...

Great post today Wanda ~ binding choice for Charlie in the forest ~ boxes of sorted fabrics ~ stunning 1996 quilt bought out of storage ~ plus the quilt you made in class….and to end with your photo of violets. I love them and have lots in my yard plus pink ones too. I enjoyed every photo.


Connie said...

Your fabric choices are so lovely . . . you certainly have an eye for color and pattern. I am working on a quilt at the moment using up some of my scrapes. When it's finished, I plan on "trying" to count and figure out just how many different fabrics I've used :)

Vicki W said...

I took a color theory class at Mid-Atlantic from Mary Ellen Hopkins. She was sooo knowledgeable and really set me off on my color theory studies. It's probably the best class I have ever taken.