Friday, January 12, 2024

The unexpected............

Yesterday was one of those days where all of the little things eat away at the hours and by evening I hadn't done anything in the studio.  I went over some lists I had made of things I may want to make but nothing was calling my name.  Then...this little thought came into my head....maybe I could made a zig zag quilt with the leftover triangle squares.  Since I hadn't counted them yet I had no idea how big it would be.  I just started putting rows up on the design wall and there were enough pieces for a 30" x 35" top.  I decided to try a row of the light squares all around to add 5" to the measurement.  I would have preferred one more row of zig-zag but there were only enough pieces left for a half row.  There is a pile of light triangles that I could have cut colored triangles to match with but I didn't have that much ambition. is one more unexpected baby quilt top in progress.

One of my organization problems is having several notebooks and tablets with notes.  This isn't even all of them.  I was looking for one and I found all of these instead.  I need to choose one, choose the space where it needs to be at the end of each day, and transfer all of the notes that are likely to be needed into that one notebook.

I'm hoping to get some cutting done today for a couple projects.  We are expecting the second snowstorm this week and this might be the big one.  I ran all of my errands yesterday so I'll be home all day today.


Hannah said...

Love the little quilt!

Linda Swanekamp said...

The colors look beautiful next to the Black and whites. Love the squares around the whole thing. I feel your pain on keeping notes and organizing. I have tried binders,spiral notebooks, pads and always have a jumble of them and never the one I need. I did make a spreadsheet in Google to keep track of all ongoing projects and done ones.

Libby in TN said...

Cute little quilt. I'm constantly making notes on little pads. I need to consolidate on a more regular basis.

Jayne Honnold said...

Wanda, I am the exact same when it comes to lists and notebooks. I have a gazillion of them, and I dare not throw any of them away as the one exact thing I will want one day is in it! As we have just begun a new year, I am trying my hardest to use one journal to keep track of things this year. I think I am doing okay, so far. I just love the happy accidents like your zigzag baby quilt. These left over bits and bobs really do have potential!

Julierose said...

Love the zig-zag colors on that "whipped cream" white fabric!! So pretty, Wanda...
33 this morning with predictions for a rainy weekend once more...Our grounds are already super saturated--hoping it won't be another gully washer...
Hugs, [stay warm and safe] Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

good to run all the errands before the big snow comes. We are expecting it too and I'm finishing errands today and then staying home - maybe for a week lol

Chris said...

Hi Wanda, good you can stay inside today! Love your leftovers baby quilt! I’ve made quite a few awesome quilts out of bits and pieces that I had on hand.

Nann said...

Serendipity! Looks as though you planned it that way. Closings all over the place today- - a good excuse to hunker down and sew. Hope the power stays on.

Mary said...

I've started keeping a scribble journal of project notes that don't make it into blog posts. It's very helpful. I've numbered the pages, so when I fill up a page and the following page is already in use, I can reference the next page for the project.

JJM said...

Your “unexpected” turned out to be beautiful. The zig zag pattern surrounded with white and black lined squares shows the beauty of your fabrics . It is an exceptional beautiful combination of for this quilt. Do I like it, NO I LOVE IT ❣️

-10 BELOW ZERO this morning and not to get above 0 all day, and we finally got our snow. We’re a bit farther north than you are and we were beginning to think our winter was in October, our last snow fall that had melted within days of coming down. Today schools closed and ski area too. Probably a good thing because kids would take advantage of no school today on the mountain.


Quiltdivajulie said...

I hear you loud and clear on the multiple lists issue - I keep trying to get them all into one notebook but it hasn't happened yet. Good luck! And your baby quilt top is DELIGHTFUL!

Barbara Anne said...

This new baby quilt is unexpected, indeed, but also delightful and ever so happy! Are you bugged enough about the lack of one more row that you'd be better satisfied if you made the HSTs needed? That's food for thought. :)

Hope your electricity stays on so you can sew, read, and cook despite the snow.


Kristin said...

I love your new zig zag quilt! I love the colors and the black on white prints. It seems that you have a thought on how to use some blocks and a quilt just materializes!

I can relate to your "notes in various notebooks" dilemma. I have the same problem.I have lots of notebooks! LOL...

Patty said...

What a fun zig zag quilt top this will be! I finally got my act together keeping track of things … well at least some things. Last year I got a big artist binder and organized the piles of drawings and pictures of covers and items I make for the bands my brother tours with. I never thought about having to make another of the same item. Now I finally got smart and make notes, drawings and record measurements in case I need to make another. I’m still struggling to make sure I record in another book the cross stitch, quilts, tote bags and other items I make.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What an absolutely perfect little happy surprise! From you I learned the wonderful concept of "quilt seeds" and I make full use of it, too! You are a wonder, and I am so glad I chanced upon your blog all those years ago! Thank you for being you.

Vicki W said...

That quilt is so cute! I like keeping written notes and lists too. I do mine in a weekly calendar now. I can't seem to function well with a book of blank pages.

Mystic Quilter said...

Great zig zag quilt! I enjoyed you lines on the organisational problem with a number of note books tucked around, I'm dealing with the same issue, can't find two important measurements/ideas written down two weeks ago, I have two drawers and two cupboards so I need to hunt through all! Also love number 3 quilt top,so bright!

pbj fiber marietta said...

Oh Wanda! I have notes on pieces of paper and steno pads and spiral notebooks...if I could only find the note I need when I need it!

cityquilter grace said...

simple pattern but what an effect! very nice indeed