New quilt started
Thanks for all of the great comments yesterday on "Orderly Chaos". I looked up the definitions yesterday: orderly = well arranged, chaos = complete confusion. I think I will stay with that title, well arranged complete confusion. I will play with a few border options, but I am leaning toward no border.I have been cutting 2.5" and 4.5" strips in anticipation of doing another double 4 patch quilt. Then I realized I could do my little baskets from the same strips by using the Easy Angle and Easy Angle II and have blocks the same size. My backgrounds will be various cream and batiks and I think this quilt will be more subdued. I will just keep making blocks in between other projects and someday have enough for a quilt.
It is sunny today, but windy. I need to trim my spirea bushes but I think I will wait for a warmer day. The art quilters are coming tomorrow, so I have 2 batches of cookies to bake. That will warm up the house a little.
I love those little baskets -- and what a great idea for some of those fabulous batik scraps! Uh oh -- I feel a new project coming on.
I agree, no border. I like as it is. Orderly Chaos, appropriate name. I'm glad that you showed a picture of the last panel, unattached, so that I could see the finished piece as well and know how you approached it.
Hi Wanda,
Even your "subdued" pieces have lots of sparkle.
I love the background with the feathery print.
Vicky F
You could title it oxymoron.
Still lots of colour and interest even though it is more subdued. I love the baskets and the background fabrics are terrific.
Love the basket blocks! That will be a noce quilt.
Pretty! Those baskets are one of my favourite blocks.
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