Having fun again
I'm back to working on my 2 ongoing projects. The strip piecing will be a never ending project because I keep getting more ideas how to use it. Some day in the winter I will have a play day on my many design walls in the basement.
The other project is another in the series of "My current favorite". I'm going to have to come up with a name for the series pretty soon.
The honeysuckle bush has berries on it now. I'm glad my readers helped me identify the bush last spring.
My cable guy is coming this morning to see if he can solve my Internet problems. I have been having trouble all summer mostly between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. It doesn't sound like an equipment problem to me since it happens at the same time each day but they want to check it anyway. On Sunday I got home around 1 p.m and had no connection and it didn't come back on until 9:45 p.m. That was the longest outage and it has me furious that I am paying for something that is out during the prime day time.
Love what you are working on! Ack!! Cable problems are the pits. Did they say you needed to be home between the hours of 8 and 3?
Hi Wanda -
The greens in the strips really catch my eye. But I have to admit that your "current favorite" is my favorite, too!
Oh, how I love the blocks in the second picture!
That cable problem is very odd -- hope when the repairman gets there it's happening -- maybe that way he can figure it out right away.
Hi Wanda- Just an FYI- that is not honeysuckle. Looks more like a winterberry. you can see a picture on line at: www.seedman.com/image/2800.jpg
Honeysuckle berries are in clusters.
Internet issues are everywhere it seems... hope your cable guy is savvy enough to straighten it out for you. How well we all know the feeling of paying for a service that does not work.
I can just visualize todays honeysuckle photo on your green strips. (*._,*) can you tell I'm obcessed with your photo journal pages.
And you have even placed your array of squares in a pleasing display. That is going to be another stunning piece.
I rather like the series name as "My Current Favorite I" "...II" "...III", etc.
We have dealt with an "intermittent" cable issue for years - worse after heavy rains, but otherwise unable to be correctly diagnosed. Majorly infuriating. Breathe in...breath out...
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