2 kinds of printer fabric
I have purchased a few different brands of fabric sheets for bubble jet printers. There is a difference in the feel and the look of the printed images with the different brands. The one in the center is June Tailor colorfast white sheets. They are a little stiffer after printing than the feel of regular quilting fabric. The pictures are very vivid, just as if they were printed on photo paper.
The ones on the left and the right are Printed Treasures by Milliken. The pictures are much duller, the edges of the fabric had yellowed from shelf life at the store, but they were soft with the same feel as quilting fabric. A friend told me that they do fade with washing. I would probably use them in a wallhanging that wouldn't necessarily be washed.I have also used a fabric sheet that was marketed with the Viking name on it and was very happy with them too. I don't think a project that will be washed often is the place to use these pictures. Does anyone else have anything to add to this?
I own the kind that Ami Simms uses - I have never even gotten close to using it.
Based upon what I see that you did I would use the sharpest images... (Unless I wanted a Monet effect...)
I used Printed Treasures. First batch was TERRIBLE, and I got my $ back from manufacturer -- the paper would NOT come off. SEcond batch was better, still not impressive, because the paper resisted, and color was wishy washy.
Should I have specified the choice of 'paper' when I printed it for a better color? I still have a few sheets left and am hoping for a better result.
Wanda, I have used Electric Quilts Cotton Lawn. It is very soft and supple. Easy to use and color is great. I have a small wall hanging that I will take a picture of and send to you when I return from Quilt Market. If I forget, please remind me.
I have yet to try it, although I do have some of the Electric Quilt stuff here. I keep thinking of printing a few pictures of the cats and making a wall hanging but never quite get around to it. I would be concerned about the ink bleeding if it was washed.
Hi Wanda, I have been following your blog for awhile now and just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your posts... thanks for sharing your comparisons of printables. Your blog is definately exuburantly colorful!
Have you tried the fabric from Color Plus Fabrics?? www.colorplusfabrics.com
A wide array of cottons and silks already paper backed. And you can buy larger sizes than the standard 8.5 x 11. Lura Swartz Smith uses this fabric and her results are stunning.
What a great post today. I get so excited with following your blogs. As you know I went out and purchased a ROLL of fabric to print on. Got home and found a packet of sheets that I bought years ago and put away. Still have not used either one. Excuses from here to IL.as to why I haven't taken time to get with it. Todays post has me all inspired again and I really appreciated the comments on how others have had success and some not.
I have only printed labels. I've used Printed Treasures(pricey) and June Taylor(just as pricey) and now I'm trying Jacquard inkjet printing fabric(good deal). All the labels bleed when they are washed and look very faded. I found this out when my great niece was playing with the spray bottle and got a label wet. Do you ever wash pictures once they are printed on fabric?
I've been using Printed Treasures for my labels - it works, but I haven't been thrilled... and it is HARD to hand needle through. Thanks for sharing today ~ I'll try some of the others!
I have used the June Taylor brand in the past but found it fairly stiff. I had better luck soaking my fabric in Bubble Jet Set and ironing it to freezer paper and then printing. I have not tried sending anything thru my new Photosmart printer however.
I haven't done any printing on fabric myself, but I do remember an article in Mark Lipinski's Quilter's Home where his posse compared a bunch of different brands for price, quality, washability, etc. I believe it was in the magazine's first year, but not sure. I'll look back through my issues and see if I can find it.
I have used the Printed Treasures also, and it was okay, but nothing to be excited about. The June Taylor I used ruined the photo trying to get the paper backing off.
I liked the Bubble Jet with my Epson printer, (which no longer works) but when I tried it with my HP all in one (new) it just would not cooperate. No matter what setting or thickness of fabric I used it jammed.
Thank you for the comparison, I will try a couple of the others that were listed.
I have used the June Taylor Colorfast and have been happy with it.
I haven't ever used these in quilts but I do use the PT or EQ printables for my labels. The JT one is certainly a much more vivid image in this photo. I hadn't noticed that my Printed Treasures labels looked dull but I wasn't doing a side by side comparison so who knows. I wonder how much the printer has to do with results??
If you have a printer with permanent ink - like Epson DuraBrite, you can print straight onto your own fabric from your computer printer.
To get it through the printer, iron it onto 2 or 3 layers of freezer paper (makes it really stiff), then set the printer for card or envelope (opens the rollers to let thicker stuff through), and print.
Let it dry and then heat set by pressing.
Wonderful vibrant colours that won't wash out
AND much cheaper than buying special sheets And you can print over colour
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