Radiant New York Beauty
I think I have all of Valori Wells' books and this one "Radiant New York Beauties" had a plaid quilt on the cover. I have a collection of plaids too, I just haven't shown them to you. I decided to just play with it until my interest went elsewhere so I have this 24.5" square waiting to be finished. At first I thought it needed a border and hadn't found the perfect one. Now I think I will just quilt and bind it, no border.
9 years ago today I hit a deer on the way home from work. I never turned the van off from the time I hit it, while I waited for someone to stop and help me and while being interviewed by the sheriff. I prayed all the way home that I would make it there safely, since my kids were out of town that weekend and I didn't want to bother my dad who was 85 at the time. I had one headlight intact, one dangling from its cable. When I got home I backed into the garage, turned off the light and went inside. The next day (Sunday) I surveyed the damage and saw all of the deer fur in my grill. Monday morning I called the repair shop, not knowing if the van would start or not. He told me to try it, it wouldn't start so they came and towed it. There was a lot of damage $4500 worth, and being the end of the year, inventories are let to run down so no parts were available and I was without the van for almost 5 weeks. The radiator and the fan assembly were both severely damaged and it was a miracle that I made it home. Between borrowing my dad's van and my son's pickup truck I was able to get to work, but I worked it out that I would be driving home while it was still light, not able to face driving in the dark after that.
I still don't like to drive at night, however it isn't a fear anymore, it's an "I don't want to" thing. I would much rather be home safe and warm at night.
Wanda I love your quilt, it's different to see you working in plaids, still your same great colors.
When I lived in Alaska in the mid 80's, I hit a moose, broad daylight, traveling 50 mph down the highway, it just decided to cross right in front of me. I wasn't hurt, I don't imagine the moose lived and my Toyota pick up was totaled.
I stayed pretty calm through the whole orderal, but afterwards, when I looked at my crushed pickup that the tow truck left in my driveway I started to shake and couldn't stop. Your story reminded me of this experience. Glad you made it through safely.
Hi Wanda, i like this design in plaids. What size is this piece? Wig.
I really like this one, Wanda. Are you going to put it into "Wandaful Quilts"? If so, let me know first!!
As for the deer accident, amazing that you were still able to drive. As Karen said, we lived in Alaska too, and the vehicle that hit a moose was usually in far worse shape than the moose, but even a deer can do serious damage, especially if it goes through the windshield. No wonder your memory is so vivid, and no wonder you avoided driving at night and still don't want to!
We live in an area with lots of deer and have totaled two cars hitting them. Luckily DH was driving both times and the cars were old ones we were about to trade in so we actually did better financially. It's hard on the nerves though and we were lucky nobody was hurt.
Is the quilt paper pieced? It's beautiful.
Sun rise~ Sun set~ I too love that quilt it is absolutely bursting with beauty ! Plaids and stripes are so precise~ a perfect execution for that piece.
And no matter where one lives anymore deer are always getting hit. I won't even tell you how many we have hit over the years.
Oh girl - purty, purty purty stuff! All of it (well NOT the deer part).
Hi Wanda,
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving so many wandaful comments!
I too love Valori Wells' designs. I have made her Radiant NY Beauty and it is hanging in our livingroom as I write...ooops, another Christmas decoration that needs tending to!! LOL
I love your quilts...your colors are fabulous.
I'm glad you found me, so now I've found you too!
You are going to have to share how you were able to piece that "hard" block with those persnickety plaids!
I believe this is the first NYB I've seen in plaids, and it is very nice. It sounds as if your guardian angel was with you that "deer" night.
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