I had some 4 patches left over from the quilt on my guest bed, so earlier this year I took a batch of floral prints strips and created some log cabin blocks. The fun of log cabins is the layout. There are so many layouts for half light/half dark blocks.
These aren't the prettiest blocks, not what I would have made if I had specially cut certain fabrics for the project. These are reminiscent of pioneer blocks where you use what you have.
I have made many log cabin quilts with lots of different layouts and they each have their own graphic beauty.
Since I only have 12 blocks they may be used for table runners, or maybe a baby quilt, or...........
Log cabins are definitely the most versatile of blocks. Yours are beautiful and I like all the layouts.
I like all those layouts too, & find the colours somehow soothing. I definitely prefer scrap to all other styles of quilt.
Three layouts ! Such fun you have with each and every one of your pieces. And the magic that happens when you make your final decision. All three are unique and each with a totally different artistic presentation. Always look forward to your final decision.
Scrappy quilts are my favorites. Of the three layouts, I like the zig zag one best. I especially like the four patch centers!
Terrific illustration of the log cabin's versatility. Makes me want to make another log cabin!
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