Thursday, July 18, 2024

Backing choices...................

The Folk Art Kaffe fabric on the left has never been a favorite of mine.  I got 4 yards of this red/green on sale at a very good price and I think I finally have a quilt that can use it for a backing.  This was my Sunday Only quilt project from 2022.

When Robin was here last I had her help me decide which of 3 fabrics would be the best choice for Fonthill, a recreation of a Kaffe quilt in an older book.  This is the one that we both liked best.

Now I need to cut batting for these 2.

The heat wave is over and the dew point has dropped from 81 to 57, from tropical to comfortable and temperature down into the 60s last night.


Julierose said...

WOW big drop in dew point for you--how wonderful!! Ours is still 73 this morning giving us 99% humidity ratings!!

Great backing choices; I had that Folk-ey KF print in green and also used it for a backing--sometimes I find KF fabrics hard to use except in big pieces...
you do such a super job using them...perhaps they will find their way here...
[the deer ate my one last flower last night!! Not so cute when they do that!!]
Stay nice and cool in the lower temps--hugs, Julierose

Nann said...

It's COOL this morning, for sure! Yesterday was glorious.
So Fonthill is going to become a finished object -- hooray!
The red/green Kaffe print is not one I recognize.

Mary said...

We are getting a shower this morning. It won't be big accumulation, but every bit helps. The temps are also expected to be cooler. I think both the backing choices will be great. Glad you finally found a use for the Kaffe print.

helenreimers said...

I really like the triangles and the pinwheels together. Gives movement.

Barbara Anne said...

Nice backing choices and it's always good to find the perfect use for a less than favorite fabric!

We've had hot days this week but are enjoying a humid 80*F today, chance of more rain (storms last night), and a low of 68*F. How sweet it is!


patty a. said...

The red and green fabric looks like the perfect backing for the Sunday Only quilt. With Robin quilting so much for you, has your number of tops gone down?

JJM said...

Two more tops headed for the finish line. The backings you pull from your stash always amaze me….. your eye for backings in your stash always companion so nicely with the tops.

Good to hear your heat wave and humidity are subsiding.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is 75 this morning I'm sure it will be feeling nice today, I'm looking forward to the porch in awhile

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

So good to have enough backing fabrics on hand, and they both will work so well. These two quilts of yours are both favourites for me!
I have that folky print in a couple of colours. For some reason, my daughter really loves the Blue & W version, so I've tried & tried to make it work, but...still...waiting to find a use for them LOL!