Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sewn and pressed.......................

Finally I have a few more of the triangle blocks sewn.  There are more to sew, little by little.

I spent part of the day yesterday going through everything in a big desk.  I found some things I can take to the thrift store, some I need to shred, more that I need to find a place for.  Not an exciting day but necessary.


Helenchaffin said...

great progress on the triangle blocks! I had a sort out cleaning kind of day too ,those things that take all day but still looks like nothing was done like going all your acrilic paints🤣 little things people will never see nor understand why we're so tired🤣

Julierose said...

Nice work getting some triangle blocks sewn. A whole lot of cleaning just never shows, does it? ;))) DH is doing better this morning,,, hugs, Julierose

Nann said...

I like the triangles, and good for you to tackle the stuff in and on the desk!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Ah yes, clearing out drawers and files is necessary but not as much fun as playing with fabric.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

cleaning and organizing takes time for sure!

JJM said...

I’ve been having a time getting my comment sent to you since Google changed their comment section. Hope it works today… sounds like a good day you had yesterday with your triangles pressed and getting your big desk organized again.

Barbara Anne said...

A day of necessary tasks but also sewing! A good day! I look forard to seeing what these small HSTs grow into!
