Friday, July 19, 2024

Another backing chosen..............

I spent more time outside than in the studio yesterday.  The weather is so beautiful now and it looks like it is going to stay for about 10 days.

While I was doing 2 loads of laundry I did spend some time looking through possible backing choices and only made one final decision.  I think this one will keep this quilt looking summery.  I just made the pink and green triangle quilt top in May but it will go to my longarmer soon because it is 84" long, one of the last of the large quilt tops. 



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that looks like a good backing for it

patty a. said...

That backing fabric is a great fit! I plan on spending some time outside this weekend. My yard is a mess and some major weeding needs to be done. It will be nice to get a nice long break from the heat.

Anonymous said...

I’d say it’s a perfect backing! -Roxanne

Julierose said...

Lovely backing choice; it does look summery;)))

Our Dew Point value has finally dropped a bit--only 63 with 78 degree temps--so not bad...We were able to take an early walk along the CT River and we got to see the plumes of Shad running with the outgoing tide...big white foam they kicked up. A definite deck day here;)) FINALLY!!
Hope your weather continues to be nice hugs, Julierose

JJM said...

Excellent backing choice . . . Happy you’ve had some nice weather to work outside. We’re still in our heat wave up here in the mountains. It’s been record making temps with high 90’s and into the low 100’s. Hottest July on record so far.


Barbara Anne said...

Yep, you found the absolutely perfect backing fabric for this quilt and it lets you choose among all sorts of colors for the binding.

It's cooler here (much appreciated) but still humid because we've had lots of rain every few days. What's up with that?


MissPat said...

I don't think you could do much better with a backing than that one. Looks perfect. We have cooled down now, too, and with almost an 1" of rain, weeding was high on my agenda. I was grateful to be able to spend some time outside, but depressed by the overwhelming amount of work that needs doing. Another gentle reminder that it's time to cut back on the gardens and concentrate on keeping the front of the house looking good.

Vicki W said...

You are going to have a lot of new finished soon with all of these backings chosen.