Monday, July 22, 2024

Short sleeves..................

I like short sleeves in the summer and I don't wear knit shirts so it has been hard to find what I need.  I finally decided to buy long sleeve shirts and cut the sleeves to the length I like. 

Yesterday I mowed half of the lawn in the morning and the other half at 7 p.m.  The rest of the day was spent sorting through the Cherrywood hand dyed fabric and grouping it  for my second destash sale this month at Wandaful Quilts.  I also moved the remaining 4 items from the #1 sale to the new post.  This will be the last sale this month.


Sally Langston Warren said...

Wanda, if the shirts are all cotton, will you use the fabric from the sleeves in quilts? Or in another way?

Julierose said...

Great idea for Summer shirts;)) And you'll have some fabric to "play" with after cutting...;)))
76 here with a DP of 71.4!! So humid once again--another hot one!!
MD appointment this morning and errands....hugs, stay cool Julierose

patty a. said...

Cutting off the sleeves will work if you have thinner arms. The sleeves are tapered when they are long sleeve so sometimes you have to fiddle around with letting out the sleeve seam to get enough fabric to hem them to get the width you need. I went back and looked at your pictures from the weekend and your gardens look fabulous! I'm glad you got help at the store and that your grandson helped you with installing the new bulbs and hardware.

Quiltdivajulie said...

WOW - what a destash sale for folks who love Cherrywood! I had that Montana Cartwheel pattern, too - but never actually cut the strips from the proposed fabric pull. Good idea to shorten the long sleeve shirts.

JJM said...

I gave classes on reverse appliqué at the Quilt Gallery in Kalispell, Mt. It was in the 80’s when I was producing patterns for wall hangings. And that shop is still in business. Was pleasantly surprised to see their patterns in your stash.

And what a wonderful array of fabrics you are selling.


Nann said...

I got my favorite shirt at a thrift shop some years ago. L.L. Bean oxford cloth, a wonderful coral color. I hung onto it even when I'd outgrown it, and now it fits just right. But the cuffs are wearing -- so I need to convert it to a short-sleeved shirt. It's been so many years since I was a garment sewist that I'm apprehensive about making the alteration.

Barbara Anne said...

What a great idea to cut the sleeves off to get the short sleeves you prefer plus little bits of leftover cotton to use or not as you choose.

When we lived in Waco, the guild had Karen K. Stone come to speak and the next day she taught a class I was lucky enough to take. It was for her reversible Log Cabin quilt that had dark blues on one side and bright yellows on the other side, made as a memorial to a dearly departed friend of hers. I still have the one block I made that day! I've just decided to make it into a mug rug, these 30+ years later.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that is a good idea to cut the sleeves short so it is what you want. I always end up with t-shirts but would love to find some comfortable lightweight short sleeve blouses for something now and then.

Linda Swanekamp said...

All I wear are knit shirts. I don't even own a buttoned shirt. Buttons do not look good on my shape. Fortunately, Lands End and LL Bean have knit shirts in all colors and sleeve lengths so I am set all year. I also hate collars.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Wanda, you are a wonder! You get a lot done. I loved the hydrangeas yesterday, so pretty. I don't like knit shirts either, but wear all cotton tank tops with a man's shirt loose over it. I usually turn the sleeves up to my elbow. I am tall and it is not always easy to find shirts that fit well.