Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sorting through stash.................

I'm still sorting through stash for things to destash and post on my other blog.  I'm hoping for a post tomorrow morning.

It was hot and sticky as forecasted yesterday.  We got a nice little surprise shower in the afternoon and got about a tenth of an inch of rain.  It would be nice if we could get a little more rain.  They are saying a dew point of 78 tomorrow...that is tropical humidity.  I'm glad I have plenty to do inside.  


Helenchaffin said...

That's a pretty stash!

Julierose said...

It is a shame that we cannot use up all of our lovely fabrics ourselves--I think we'd need two lifetimes!!;)))
75.4 here already, but DP isn't quite as bad yet..."only" 72 --funny what you get used to...hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I'm thinking I need to start to make a lot of small quilts to donate just in order to use all the fabric that I have but I am always drawn to larger quilts

Barbara Anne said...

Delicious stash fabrics - from what I can see, I think that I have some of the black with colorful waves that's on the left.

We got 2.3" of rain Friday and into Saturday's wee hours. Of course the humidity is so thick you could cut it with a knife.


Mystic Quilter said...

We can have high humidity here in Summer, not fun!! The colours in your de-stash fabrics are very nice, love the green/aquas.