Saturday, July 20, 2024

Small bits of time..............................

I don't like days with an appointment in the middle, breaking up time to work on anything.  In the morning before I had to leave I was looking through this bin of Cherrywood hand dyed fabric.  It is all from broken up packages of gradations, usually 8 quarter yard pieces.  I plan on grouping some of this for my destash next week.  The back story of why I have so much of it: Dawn Hall, the inventor of the process of Cherrywood dyeing, was the niece of my friend who owned Quilting Books Unlimited.  I went to Houston in the late 1980s to the big show to help my friend selling books and Dawn's fabric was introduced to the world of quilters at our booth.  I bought almost every pack that Dawn dyed in those early days. I used some of it in this quilt.

Then I left for another town and stopped at a big box retailer for 2 eight foot fluorescent bulbs because 2 are burnt out in my main floor studio.  Then on to my appointment and finally home 2 hours later.

Later in the afternoon I started looking through my larger pieces of batik fabrics for possible backings for 3 throw size batik tops.  I see some possibilities and will do some measuring today.

I went out and pulled more of the creeping Bellflowers that are past their prime, more to do yet.

Today my grandson is going to stop by and hook up some new equipment that Comcast sent to me.  For what I pay every month I would think the company could come hook it up.  Oh, they will, for $100 a visit.  Oh, and a little more rant.  As I'm carrying the 8 foot bulbs to the front of the store to check out I find the only lanes open are self check.  I stopped in front of the "pick up" desk where 2 people were working.  Finally one of them looked up and asked if she could help.  I told her I couldn't self check while holding 8 foot bulbs.  She very graciously offered to help then.  I told her 83 year old ladies should be waited on from the time they walk in the door.  Then she said you don't look like 83.  Well that made my day.  Rant over.


Julierose said...

A comment to make your day from the "pick up" desk lady;)))
I had a few of those Cherrywood fabrics a while ago--they were such lovely graduations of colors.
66 this morning and cooler--if dew points stay low it should be a nice day with the sun shining...
I packed off a box of fabrics yesterday to Cathy[ @ Sane and Crazy] and my shelf stacks are looking better; one more box to send off this coming week...
I am taking a bit of a break from making anything new ....
Hugs, Julierose

cityquilter grace said...

love cherrywood solids...have a pack of scraps i've been saving but should pull them out and use...and the rant about the cable company is NEVER over...i could cut my cell phone bill in half with them but the service is so incredibly horrid i refuse...

Donna said...

Been following you for a while...I Love your quilts!
Happy weekend!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, Wanda - I feel your rant across state lines! Thanks for a great post this morning.

Mary said...

I don't like middle-of-the-day appointments either. You certainly have been doing a lot of sorting and purging in you stash this year.

Nann said...

Agree on mid-day interruptions. I like to get errands and all done in the morning....We had an 8-foot fluorescent fixture in the laundry room. Such a pain (to say nothing of trepidation when trying to get new bulbs in the car). Two years ago I said enough! and had the fixture replaced with two 4-foot LED fixtures. What a difference. Well worth the expense.

What a fun story about Cherrywood! I may still have some books with QBU stickers....

JJM said...

“Strip Pieced Watercolor” is one awesome quilt… I love the appliqué on top of the quilt. Entire quilt is like one of your gardens. So glad I clicked back to see one of creations from 2007.

“Well you don’t look 83” ~ that would make my day too. 😉 I make all my appointments on my schedule if at all possible. My morning routine just can’t be interrupted with an appointment.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is great to be told you don't look your age. Appointments can sometimes take up too much time in the day for sure. Love the cherrywood fabric I only ever had a little bit of it.

Kara Kwilts said...

;D Of course rant over, compliment received. Have a great day you don't look like an 83 year old. Love it!!!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Lately, all my days have been broken into little chunks. I never work well with all those transitions of activities and little down time. Today I just refused to go anywhere. I watered the garden and finally sat down and wrote a bunch of blog posts. Then I intend to go work on the longarm because you can't do that in little time snippets. Love the Cherrywood. I have only seen some at big quilt shows. Great comeback by cashier. Good words are always so rare and refreshing.

MissPat said...

Not only don't you look 83, but you don't act it either. Mowing your own lawn, doing all that gardening, up and down stairs to the studio (well, that part is good, helps you stay limber and strong. I've enjoyed seeing several of the Cherrywood Challenges, but I've never bought or used any.

Barbara Anne said...

Love, love the watercolor quilt with the hand-dyed flowers you skillfully machine quilted and have some delicious Cherrywood fabrics myself.

I'm with you on the misery of mid-day or later afternoon appointments.

Hope the employee who gave you that nice compliment gets a raise!


Amy F. said...

I also don't like to be interrupted when I'm working on a project. I try to plan it so that I can work on something for most of the day. I'm more creative at night, so I like to sew until evening before going to bed.

I've never heard anything good about Comcast, I honestly don't know how companies like that can stay in business!

I love to see your quilts, they are so unique and interesting!

Anonymous said...

No mid day appts. for me. I only make them for 8/9AM. Everything else seems to get backed up--"so and so is running late", And yet if I am late for an appt. I get charged. Not fair in my book :-)
Dorothy in W. WA.

Linda said...

I don't like appointment days at all. I have trouble getting motivated when we get back home. Love the comment from the store clerk - nothing better. :)

Kristin said...

I was away for a few days - I went to MD to help celebreate my stepmother's 80th birthday. My 3 little neices were there who now live in Costa Rica. The 9 year old asked how old I was. I turned 70 in June. I asked her how old she thought I was. She replied: 30. I said: "thank you darling, you made my day". She looked at me and asked: "Why do you think that's a compliment?" LOL LOL!!!