Friday, September 15, 2023

Lots of strip piecing.......

Lots of African fabric strips were cut yesterday and all but 4 were paired with mottled batiks.  I got 11 sets sewn last night.  That will make 22 blocks.

It's nice to be working on two quilts at the same time.  I can gaze up at the one on the design wall while sewing for the other quilt.

I decided to cut a Flying Geese block in half and put half onto one end of each of the borders.  I sewed them on and now need to sew on the 2 burgundy strips first, then the Flying Geese borders.  I'll adjust any length problems at the half goose end.

The Hairy Alumroot Coral Bell is in full bloom now.  This one is in the front flower bed and has sun from around 9 a.m to 2:30 p.m.  I have another in my back garden that is in the shade more than sun and it doesn't have as many blooms.  These blooms stand up through snow storms so there is winter interest, not just bare ground like a lot of other perennials have.  In fact the Coral Bell leaves are there all winter too, all of the varieties. This Coral Bell is the largest variety that I have.


Helenchaffin said...

I luv how you're making this quilt unique & your own,it is absolutely beautiful!

Mystic Quilter said...

Quilting on two quilts at one time is something I like to do. I like one simple and possibly one a little more complex, gives the mind a change of pace.

Julierose said...

Just gorgeous quilts--love the strip colors.
Really cool this morning here=-54 degrees with 52 DP--actually chilly--such a refreshing change...
I took your advice and sewed the binding on my autumn Stars and will do one blue star in echo quilting as my hands allow...thanks for your great idea hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

such a colorful quilt!!

JJM said...

I so enjoy your photo’s as you progress through the day. And a snapshot of your latest blossoms.


Barbara Anne said...

What a happy quilt you're making and its growing before our very eyes! Thank you for the eye candy and well done on your progress.


Patty said...

You are moving along nicely on both projects. That Cora bell is so pretty!

Vicki W said...

I'm loving both of these quilts. The African prints work really well with the soft mottled fabrics.