48 blocks
For Lyn, my commenter the other day, yes I only have 24 hours a day too, LOL. I have taken advantage of the fact that my mother only had 2 dr. appointments this week plus I did their grocery shopping, so that left a lot of hours for ME. My concentration level is way down when she has so many appointments and I have to be watching the clock all of the time. This week I was able to concentrate on my projects. I finished the other 26 blocks yesterday (it was raining so I had to stay inside) and I used 48 of the 52 blocks to do this layout. If I sewed it together now it would only be 48" x 64". I do want to do a similar border to the one in the magazine so that would add 8" to each of those measurements. I definitely have enough fabric to make more blocks, but with my short attention span, I think I may be off and running for the next idea, another one with the chains in 2 different directions.
These are the 4 leftovers currently but I need to work that upper right one into the quilt. That leaf print is one of the "Nancy Crow for John Kaldor" fabrics from the early 1990's. I have that print in most of the colors and it is one of my very favorite fabrics.
My first peony bush bloomed yesterday. It is really more of a burgundy red than this picture (taken with my old camera). When I moved into this house in 1972 there were 43 peony bushes in neat rows taking up half of the back yard. There were 42 different varieties, only one repeat. I have dug out and given away some, moved some to other areas, but I still have at least 37 bushes.
The peonies usually bloom before Memorial Day but we had a cool spring so they are taking their time blooming this year.Since I still live within 25 miles of where I was born, I only know one area of the country well. I didn't know that there weren't the pretty blue jays everywhere in the US. It is so neat to have all of the blogs to visit and commenters to help me learn about the other areas. I have been to FL and NC and CO, WY, and MT but I can't say that I had my eyes wide open when it came to nature. Thank you everyone for helping me to see more.
That quilt top reminds me of chocolates and caramels! Yummy!
The peony is gorgeous! They are my favourite flower and I wait impatiently every year for them to show up in the florists!
The leaf fabric is lovely. My peonies are far far from blooming yet. It's warm out today so I have high hopes that they will bloom sooner rather than later.
I love peonies - they remind me of my Grandmother. She always had them in her flower garden along with a 40 foot iris bed!
Chocolates and caramels -- Catherine's right! But it's also jungles and vines. I really like this one.
I love going all over the world on people's blogs, too. I've learned a lot, and had so much fun.
Chocolates and caramels - do you have a title for this one yet!? Very nice.
My peonies have buds, but will be awhile before they pop. You must have a large yard to have that many bushes. How do you add gardening to your to-do list? I keep telling my husband that I need a houseboy - and he keeps laughing back at me.
Nah - you fib! You really have 36 hours in a day - and you just have not yet shared the secret of finding the extra 12 ! Peonies are the best - they really are summer's most blowzy flower !
We all seem to love the Peonies.
LOve the wonderful colours in that quilt top, the do look edible!
Your flowers are gorgeous, and your quilt is spectacular. I love the diagonal line of the smaller squares. The colors you have used blend together so well. The block is simply constructed, but the design is very effective. Another winner! (I think you don't sleep. That is how you can get so much done!)
My first thought before I read all of the above comments was: Copper and Gold lined up in precise rhythm, giving this piece balance and richness only you knew how to create.
Just Grand !
Preview of your peonies, makes me anxious to see ours in bloom, as they have yet to bloom but have nice big round buds ready to pop.
I agree with zquilts, you must have found a way to get a 36 hr day! I'm a new visitor to your blog (from Okinawa, Japan--and boy are there some pretty flowers here) but I can see that I will be back often! I just love your most recent quilt--even prettier than the one in the magazine. Gorgeous colors!
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