I didn't even see my studio yesterday. My mother had a bunch of lab work for the pre-op and one had a 12 hr. fast so I took her up to the hospital at 8:30 a.m. to get as much done as they could before I had to drop her off so I could go teach my computer class. We got all of it done except the EKG so I picked her up again at 2:30 for that test. She had a regular dr. appointment at 4 so we were trying to coordinate that into one trip but we here done by 3:10 so I took her home and then picked up both Mother and Dad at 3:45. Afterwards we went to eat and then to the pharmacy for a new prescription. Needless to say, I was wiped out by the time I got home so all I did was prepare for today's quilting class, an all day class, all day fun. But within a half hour after the class is done I need to pick up my parents for Mother's bi-weekly chiropractor appointment.
Now on a lighter note, the Jacks in my backyard are blooming. I had to hold a leaf out of the way to take this picture so I was one handed on the camera and it is a little blurry (but pretty). This is another group of Jacks. I hope we don't have a lot of the West Nile Virus killing the blue jays again. I think they are pretty birds and they are pretty well behaved in my yard too. Does anyone know what this bush is? They were here last year, I cut them down to the ground and it is back, about 5 feet tall, and has these little cone shaped groups of flowers. I have 2 of these in the back yard, new last year, and nothing that I planted. I thiink this is a white crowned sparrow. Am I right? I have a bunch of them eating here now.
Have just scanned back through the posts I missed last week. Your hostas are beautiful... and your quilt blocks are fabulous (as always). Prayers and best wishes are with you and your parents!
Thanks for the great photos. I don't have a clue what your mystery bush is! I love the Jacks - I'd never seen them "in the flesh", so to speak, until the garden tour last week. I hope you're having a fun day today with the quilt class!
I don't know what the bush is, but the flowers eventually turn into berries (for lack of a better word) and look wonderfully dynamic in flower arrangements.
You have the bird correct. I think the shrub is a type of viburnum but I can give you a better answer if you send me a close up of the flowers and a leaf....
Have just scanned back through the posts I missed last week. Your hostas are beautiful... and your quilt blocks are fabulous (as always). Prayers and best wishes are with you and your parents!
fantastic shots of the birds! thank you.
Lovely photos. I dont think I have ever seen Jacks before.
Your parents are very lucky they have you, to tend to their many needs.
Thanks for the great photos. I don't have a clue what your mystery bush is! I love the Jacks - I'd never seen them "in the flesh", so to speak, until the garden tour last week.
I hope you're having a fun day today with the quilt class!
I don't know what the bush is, but the flowers eventually turn into berries (for lack of a better word) and look wonderfully dynamic in flower arrangements.
Consider entering your photo's in the Fair. They are wonderful !
You have the bird correct. I think the shrub is a type of viburnum but I can give you a better answer if you send me a close up of the flowers and a leaf....
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