I have 4 Weigela bushes. When I bought these 2 the guy at the nursery said to keep them trimmed back every year. I haven't done these for 3 years so this year I will have to be ruthless with them. The pink ones bloom first. My other 2 bushes must be a different variety because they aren't growing as fast. They also bloom at a later time.These 2 bushes are always overloaded with blooms. I did the porch pots last night. I snapped off some of the geranium blooms hoping the plants will fill in instead of growing taller. In another 4 weeks they will be looking better. I have the border on the store sample now. I decided on footprints since there are cats, monkeys and parrots in the prints. The sun is shining but it is supposed to only reach 60 degrees today. It is my youngest granddaughter's 12th birthday today.
This border print made your quilt sample sing! I need to get started on my flower pots before all the good plants are gone, thanks for the reminder. My honeysuckle bushes are loaded with blossoms and the birds are loving it. Louise
Wow! It looks like you are in the full bloom of summer! Luscious! Hope you had a wonderful birthday party. Ah ! To be 12 and have the whole world in front of you - hummmm then again, maybe I would not want that considering the uglies that are out ther in the world today!
Oh it is all lovely. I had to turn the furnace on again today. I had a huge crop of lilacs this year despite the freezing cold we have been having. Nothing else has poked its head out yet.
What a grand display of photo's today from your flowering trees ~ potted plants and finished quilt top. All supreme! Quilt top just shouts color, design, and shows off your printed fabrics in the best way.
I am sending our mountain heat to you. Been in the high 80's and is to hit 90 + today.
This border print made your quilt sample sing!
I need to get started on my flower pots before all the good plants are gone, thanks for the reminder.
My honeysuckle bushes are loaded with blossoms and the birds are loving it.
That border print is so perfect for that quilt! It looks super.
Those flowering bushes are amazing. No planting here yet -- it's still rather chilly. Makes me wonder if summer will ever come!
Wow! It looks like you are in the full bloom of summer! Luscious! Hope you had a wonderful birthday party. Ah ! To be 12 and have the whole world in front of you - hummmm then again, maybe I would not want that considering the uglies that are out ther in the world today!
Oh it is all lovely. I had to turn the furnace on again today. I had a huge crop of lilacs this year despite the freezing cold we have been having. Nothing else has poked its head out yet.
Is that border fabric Laurel Burch? I have not seen that one.
What a grand display of photo's today from your flowering trees ~ potted plants and finished quilt top. All supreme! Quilt top just shouts color, design, and shows off your printed fabrics in the best way.
I am sending our mountain heat to you. Been in the high 80's and is to hit 90 + today.
Lots of neat fabric in that quilt, but the yellow-gold is my favorite. And it really sets off the blocks.
Your yard is really spectacular! I love gardens, just don't much like to garden.
Hi Wanda, Beautiful flower photos.
Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl!!jmh
That shrub is just beautiful! I wonder if they have them available over here, I must check out the nurseries.
I love that quilt, just my idea of perfect, the bright colours, & I love yellow/gold!
Happy Birthday to your youngest Granddaughter.
those flowers are gorgeous! exuberant color indeed!
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