I made a label and made the decision to not line it and to let the hearts from the backing show through it. Where I should have been more careful was that the seam allowance turned under should have been the same on all sides. That is not something I would readily see if I were looking at someone else's label because I would be so busy reading it and looking at the embroidery to notice it. I could still loosen one side and get in there and trim it but.........do I really want to?

The more you look, the more you can see... it's WONDERFUL!!
Bravo, Wanda!! I really love the Prismatic series!
It is very very beautifull.
This one really melts my heart. I love to study your work and did not see the other hearts either. I can see everyone of them now. Your label is beautiful, I would leave as is. And thanks for showing us how to make the triangles. Makes me think MAYBE I too could make a quilt as lovely as yours. J~MT
So beautiful & lively! The label is lovely- leave it the way it is, it just adds to the specialness of it all.
Hi Wanda,I love seeing the
"other " hearts. A beatiful work of art.
I'd hate to sell it.jmh
When I grow up, I want to be YOU!
MORE wonderful color inspiration. Thank you for all!
I've got a good start on 'our' project.
The triangle method is so ingenious!
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