If you go back to my January 5th post, I was trying to decide whether to add beads or not to add beads to a little wallhanging. I got a lot of great input from my readers in the comments but I wanted my art quilters' group to see the wallhanging in person and give me their reaction. A couple of the ones who read my blog said it was much different seeing it in person and the vote was.........add the beads. I hope to finish it this week and then I will post another picture of it.I got these blocks sewn together and now the decision on the quilting.
On the quilt pictured on the cover of Kaffe's book, they did perfectly straight parallel lines. Just writing the word perfectly makes me start doubting that is how I want to quilt it. After all it is going to be a couch throw, not a show entry. I happen to love wavy lines and have been using them to quilt my quilts for 15 years. By the time I have it basted I will have a better idea how I am going to quilt it.
I had a wonderful inspiring day with my art quilters yesterday. Last year we had to cancel our January meeting twice so we really lucked out that they were able to come. It takes some of them close to 2 hours to get here. An hour after they left the snow started. It is a winter wonderland again with about 2-3" of snow.While I was watching October Road, I decided to try out my new yo-yo maker. At first I wasn't too keen on it but by the third one, I decided it is pretty slick. It makes your stitches so evenly placed that the gathers are almost like little pleats laying in a circle. I put a quarter next to them so you can see how little they are. I definitely want a bigger size one if I am going to do a bunch of these.
So how does that work? Do you cut a circle and then baste it around the form?
I wondered if seeing those beads in 'real' would make a difference. Anxious to see finished piece.
Your quilt is absolutely stunning. As usual your combination of fabrics is so appealing. However you quilt it, it will be perfect.
Yoyo maker~ what a fun project while watching/listening to t.v. on a winters night. So we are all going to run out and buy a yoyo maker this week. (*._,*) Another fun tip from you.
I love the quilt too, of course I am very partial to Orange. I'm anxious to see how you quilt it. I've got a Bento Box quilt top and I just can't figure out what it needs, so I'm hoping you will inspire me. Mine is also a lap quilt and I'd like to do some easy machine quilting.
Good, I voted for the beads! I haven't felt a need for a yo yo maker, but after seeing so many people enjoy them, I am going to have to pick up one next time I go to the store.
The red quilt makes me think of hot sunny days, and is really an antidote to the winter blues!
Go with the wavy quilting lines... they have SO much more character than plain old straight ones! Think of heat waves rippling above the heated surface...and they'll be a "counter balance" to all the straight lines of the blocks...
Oh, I agree, perfectly straight lines as seen in the picture are soooo boring! Yes, the colors are hot and the quilting could sizzle too. Vertical curvy lines to show the heat rising?
Oh that's a beautiful quilt! Love the rich colors. It will be interesting to see how the beads add to it.
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