I was just checking my sitemeter to see where people who read my blog may have been referred from and found that ZQUILTS has given me this award. I have to agree with her that blogging has been an unexpected bonus in my life. I have made so many friends out there and have found people like me who are driven to create. Marie at ZQUILTS writes one of my favorite blogs, always upbeat, colorful, and interesting.
I find it really hard to just name 10 blogs that make my day so I am just going to award it to one, the very first blog I ever read, Melody at Fibermania. Mel, you don't have to pass it on if you don't want to. I just want you to know that your blog is the first one I read every day.
Congratulations on your award!
I went to visit Mel, & she certainly does bubble along!
Lovley site!
Oh ! You dear kind woman!
Thanks for your kind words. I think I was also supposed to send individual emails to you - but I have to admit I have been in a bit of a fog - work's been busy and it slipped my mind last night ! SO glad you stopped by to see that I meant what I said: I SO enjoy your blog !
I organize my blog reading by putting a single letter before the title to indicate what the subject is such as Q for quilting, G for gardening etc. Then I realized I wanted to have my very favorites at the top of the list, so I put the number 1 in front of the Q. Both your blog and Mel's have 1s. I love reading blogs and your's has inspired me to start "doing" rather than dreaming about what I wish I would accomplish. I've even started my own blog to help me focus. Congratulations on your award -- well deserved.
When Mel's blog is my first visit, yours is always second and other times I check your blog first and Mel's second. You both brighten my day. Thanks.
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