Thanks for all of the positive comments about routine. Anyone who gets migraines especially understands routine; meals at fairly regular intervals, going to bed and rising at similar times each day, etc. Some people don't understand it and have made fun of me, but then they didn't have to suffer the pain of the headaches for all of those years.
Here are the ingredients and the calories for each, per your questions yesterday:
Light Vanilla soy milk 1/2 cup = 40 calories

1/2 large banana or 3/4 med to small banana = 65 calories
5-8 frozen strawberries = 25 calories
1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries = 35 calories
High pulp orange juice 1/2 cup = 55 calories
for a total of 220 calories. Add to that 1/2 cup Cheerios = 50 calories and 11 cashews + 85 calories for a grand total of 355 calories for breakfast that is high in antioxidants. I started this as my routine breakfast in April, 2003 and have only missed it about 5 days in all of that time. I would like to think this is why I haven't had a cold for that length of time, but maybe I'm just lucky so far.
In the 1960's metal trivets were a big part of our kitchen decorating. They were originally made of iron but the ones we used were cast from aluminum at a local foundry. They were much lighter weight. I was looking for something yesterday and ran across this one, the only one I saved. I love the verse on it.
My Mother has no change in the blocked artery in her eye so we don't have to travel that distance for a year now. I am happy that we don't have to go over there in winter weather. Her back pain was so bad that we used her wheelchair to get her into Baker's Square because the walk from their parking lot is really long. And we did get to bring home pieces of pie. The gift cards are used up now.
Thanks for the smoothie recipe. It really sounds delicious! I remember having trivets in our home growing up. I don't know whatever happened to them. Yours is very nice and the verse is pretty. Good to hear that your mom has no change. But I bet the best part of the trip was the pie. Hopefully, it was tasty too!
I seem to remember going to an outlet store for the company that made these. Am I remebering right?????
Thanks for the smoothie recipe and for sharing the garden verse. I still have some trivets in my kitchen but they are plain black and just decorative, no verse. I like your better.
I'm glad your mom got good news. I know how it is to make those long trips to the doctor in winter weather. Snow, freezing rain, you name it and fifty miles to get there, hope the doctor is on time and then another fifty back home.
Can you get a handicapped placard for your mom so you can use the handicapped parking places when she is with you? I have had my mother get one due to her back surgery and crippling arthritis and it is a lifesaver at times.
Have a good weekend, Wanda!
Smoothie calorie count is surprisingly low. I thought it would be much higher. Thanks for recipe and calorie count. I know I would not be able to have lunch after that. I am going to Linens and Things tomorrow and get that bullet.
The trivet I have says "Come in, sit down, relax, my house doesn't always look like this, sometimes it is even worse" And I now have it in my work room.
I'm going to try that smoothie! It sounds wonderful.
Oh, how I know the routine thing -- and it's so true, break the routine and you're almost guaranteed a migraine!
Thank you for sharing your smoothie recipe. It sounds so good! And low-fat. I will be trying that. And yes, routine is good for us. I don't get migraines (thank God), but do get upset over a break in routine.
I love smoothies too, and I have one every morning that I go to work--it makes a great breakfast on the go. My recipe is similar: a cup of yogurt, a banana, a half cup of OJ, and about 3/4 of a cup of some other kind of fruit. Could be apricots, pineapple, any berry, peaches, pears, whatever I have available. I put it all in a yogurt container and use a stick blender to mix. Faster than digging out my big blender. Yum!
I thought of you when i saw this old quilt from 1910. A crazy quilt that looks so modern!
I make my smoothies with plain, non-fat yogurt and any fruits on hand--except apples--from berries to pineapple, melon to bananas--almost always a banana. I add a scoop of soy protein powder, and a sweetener.
Yum, yum.
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