Good bye Ike
We had enough rain for a month in the last 2 days. According to our local radio station, we had 5.75" of rain in 2 days. We have rarely had the remnants from 2 hurricanes in the same month in the Chicago area. Here is the piecing that I did last night to unwind, using the bits that I had made the night before.
Here is the wrong side with all of the seams pressed open. The batiks are made from a high thread count and the seams press open really easily, unlike other quilting cottons.
The asters are starting to bloom. That is usually when I have the most butterflies.
My company should be arriving shortly. Have a great day everyone.
Love how your piecing turned out!! The colors are fabulous. I also have asters that are currently blooming. They are a hot pink or fuschia color. They have a tiny yellow middle. I absolutely love them because of the color. Thanks for sharing yours.
Hi Wanda,
When looking at your batik bits, I realize I am sadly lacking in color variety in my batiks. I have many blue/purple/green/pinks, but very little black and white, yellow, red, orange and lights. Looks like I have to expand my batik selection (I can always find a good excuse to buy more fabric!)
Your "doodling" with fabric is very inspiring.
Vicky F
i like how your strips are turning out. Batiks are great to work with except to hand sew (not that I do much of that) because they stay where you put them with the iron. What will you do with the strips?
We had tons of rain as well but we could have a month of it and never catch up. I have trees dying right and left.
Can you share why you are pressing them open rather than to one side (as most quilters tell us to do)?
Our backyard makeover will soon be done, and I'm hoping to takes pictures soon. Yours are so super!
I'm also curious about why you're pressing the seams open -- is it to distribute the bulk more evenly?
A butterfly sanctuary that's near here said the butterflies are starting now to leave on their trek to winter in Mexico. Wonder if some of them drop by for a visit at your garden?
They said we'd get rain and wind from Ike. We got a bit of rain, but much more wind.
All those bits make for very interesting colour mixes.
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