Saturday, September 28, 2024


Starting with the end of the day yesterday, last night I sewed 60 triangle squares, 12 each of 5 combinations.  The first group sewn last week have been pressed so I can start making the pinwheel blocks with them.

This is the same pile flipped over.  Whenever I feel like turning on the iron I will press these for more pinwheels.

Also last night I finished the dishcloth currently on the needles.  I used 3 small leftover pieces of yarn and then finished with a partial ball of yarn which has now created one more small leftover.

Sometime in the past year (or the year before) I made 2 sample blocks from the Weathervane die.  Yesterday I made a list of the size strips I need to cut to prepare for the die cutting.  I'm one step closer to actually making a quilt using this die.

There isn't any pain with the pacemaker replacement so I feel completely normal.  I just have to be careful to not lift anything over 10 pounds.


Julierose said...

Still and all--do take it easy, Wanda--;))))
I like that Weathervane in darks you made--very striking...
62 here and back to warmer and more humid days for a bit!
Up with the birds this morning--some days sleep is an issue;(((
Hugs, Julierose

Linda said...

The Weathervane blocks are very pretty. Glad there is no pain associated with your recovery! Hope you have a nice, non-weight-lifting weekend. :)