Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Binding progress....................

In two sessions of hand stitching yesterday I finished one short side and 2/3 of the second long side.  (One long side finished Sunday.) 1 1/3 sides left to do.  I want to have this done and photographed by Wednesday.

I had pulled all of the dead pansies out of my porch pot after one of the hot spells.  I was surprised to see these two pop up a few weeks later.  They are officially Johnny Jump Ups, also called Viola, and they were planted in the center with all of the large yellow pansies surrounding them.  The chipmunk has dug through this pot so many times I'm surprised these have survived for almost 2 weeks now.

Most of Sunday's rain missed us and more predicted today.  I had just under 1/4" in my rain gauge.  I hope we get more this time.

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