Friday, September 27, 2024

All is well........................

Photo: Philip Jacobs Papaver in a nice soft color combination.

All went well with the pacemaker replacement.  We arrived about 20 minutes early (2:40 p.m.) and within 5 minutes they had us heading to my room.  It was like an emergency department room with a pull curtain but had its own private bathroom and closet.  I was prepped in that room and then wheeled down to the surgical suite for more prep and then the surgery.  I was back in my room in about an hour and they brought me a meal.  (I hadn't been allowed to eat or drink anything after 7 a.m.)  By the time I finished my meal it was checkout time.  Another hour and I was home.  The worst part of the whole thing?  Not being able to drink any water for 10 hours.  Restrictions are no driving for 2 days, no lifting anything over 10 lbs. for a week.  Also taking it easy for 5 days which for me means catching up on my magazines and sewing blue triangles.


Cherie Moore said...

I’m so glad to hear everything went well, with no issues! I’m going through books and magazines this week as I’m trying to free up some shelf space to make room for WIP/UFO’s. I find if I can’t see it, it gets forgotten and never worked on. Keeping a list just doesn’t work for me as far as quilting goes. Hope your recovery goes as smoothly as the surgery.

Donna said...

Great news that all went well! Every time I have to fast, I always want fried chicken gizzards!! Lolol...go figure!

Juliana said...

Soooo glad this is behind you. What a relief!! It sounds like it went very smoothly and now you can concentrate on recovery. Hooray!!

cityquilter grace said...

so amazing what they can do these days...cardiac care has leapt forward in a gazillion miles since my dad has his first heart attack at 45...

Anonymous said...

So happy that all went smoothly for you- hard to comprehend that these things are done as an outpatient procedure. Five days of rest doesn't sound too bad!
BTW- that fabric is just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news, thanks for keeping us in the loop! I hate that "no water" business, so dry my eyelids get crunchy by the end! I bet you spend today having a nice cool drink and reveling in it.


Gene Black said...

I am glad to hear that it went well.

Libby in TN said...

It's amazing what modern medicine can do. Take it easy and enjoy your leisure.

mb-RI said...

Wonderful news! Enjoy the down time and the blue triangles!