Monday, September 16, 2024

Sunday night fun............

After spending time creating my blog post on WandafulQuilts, I grabbed the scrapbag of Kaffe collective fabrics and had fun with some mindless block creation.

My destash sale is live on WandafulQuilt this morning.  Lots of Laurel Burch fabric and other fabrics and miscellaneous items.


Julierose said...

Great colorful blocks coming together...
53 here today and looks to be another sunny one...
I've put legos to rest for a bit--it came out so big 57" x 45" --quite the handful...hope your day is a good one...hugs, Julierose

Nann said...

Fun, fun fun!

JJM said...

Your scrap bag of fabrics made for fun blocks with your signature ‘Exuberant Color’ ! They truly took my breath away. And then to click on your ‘Destash Sale’ ~ is truly a quilters dream.

patty a. said...

It does take a lot of time organizing things to get them ready for sale.

Barbara Anne said...

Did you already have the 4 patch block centers made when you stared sewing last night? Wonderful blocks and I look forward to seeing where they show up in a future quilt.
Wonderful sale but I already have more fabric than I can possibly use up in the time I have left!


Mystic Quilter said...

Love your 'mindless blocks' I wonder now is we'll be seeing a full quilt before too long using these blocks, hope so.