Friday, September 13, 2024

Some blue choices...................

I decided to look for some Kaffe collective dark blue fabrics to go with the light triangles.  Most of the darker blue fabrics have other colors in them so I tried to choose ones that had a larger percentage of blue.  One of these is a Brandon Mably fabric and the rest are Kaffe's designs.

I think the one at the top left is Kaffe's and the rest are designed by Philip Jacobs.  I will probably look for a couple more light blue fabrics too and then I'll be ready for cutting.

I had 2 dishcloths almost done so I finished them while I watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire.  I had missed a couple episodes over the summer and last night's episode had millionaire winners.  They were teams of 2 for this season.


Anonymous said...

ooh love those kaffes

Linda said...

Your dishcloths are really cute!

Julierose said...

The contrast between the light and darker blues is wonderful!!
These will make a lovely quilt...;)))
58 here this morning and sunny--great span of days we are having...
BB is finished; now for the cover...I am pondering how I want to do this right now. Hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I haven't watched reality tv in years I'm not sure which show that is that you mention. Pretty blue colors

JJM said...

Your layout is so striking with good looking blues of different hues, I can just imagine whats coming next. And seeing your dish cloths ~ it’s the time of year to get my knitting needles clicking again. Days are getting shorter and we had snow on the mountain tops yesterday morning. Which has really helped clear out the smokey wild fire smoke that had engulfed the valley, for months..

Connie said...

I'm a nut for blues . . . those are so pretty :)

Barbara Anne said...

Those blues are delicious and I look forward to seeing the gorgeous quilt you'll make with them!
I saw Julie's blog post this morning and found a box of scrap blocks made in 1999 from a quilt Evelyn Sloppy showed on Simply Quilts. Most of the blocks are blues and yellow, perfect for Ukraine, with a few oranges and greens thrown in.


Nann said...

The blues are soothing! The print on the lower left in the first photo is a little unusual for a KF/BM Collective.

Vicki W said...

That's a nice, peaceful palette.

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh good to see you're on the way with picking dark blues!