Saturday, September 14, 2024

Working on destash...............

 No sewing yesterday. I had one more batch of Laurel Burch fabric I had to iron before I could cut it.  Iron, cut, fold, photograph, and package.  That was my day.  I hope to have everything listed for sale on Monday.

Oh, and I also had to water the tomato plants and all of my pots.  We are in a dry spell, no rain in sight.  There are a few areas east of me that are already in the drought area.  We are in the abnormally dry area and will soon also be in the drought area.


Mary said...

No sewing, but your day was productive. After a very pleasant week last week, our high at home yesterday was 99 degrees.

Julierose said...

You were able to get a lot done for your pop up shop--that's good to have accomplished;)))
68 here and more humid each day...I finished my BB cover--just a simple wrap letting the fabric "speak for itself" ...hope your weekend will be restful hugs, Julierose.

JJM said...

Such a great looking kit already to be shipped off. I can see all the work you put into it also. We live in the ‘High Desert’. It runs from Oregon to North Dakota. Drought is always an issue here and makes for extreme wild fires. Plus smoke from fires in Ca., Or., and ID have engulfed our valley for months and it has been such a horrific end of the summer especially with them burning in our own valley also.

Donna said...

Good organization! And we also could use the rain!

Barbara Anne said...

Am sure you had to pet each happy fabric as you folded and packaged them. A fond farewell, you know!
Wishing rain for all areas that need it and for all areas that have too much rain, may it fall where needed!


Nann said...

Yes, so very dry! I haven't mowed the lawn for three? four? weeks.
And too hot to walk this afternoon. But it was great weather for our Rotary golf outing yesterday.

Mystic Quilter said...

So it looks like you're all ready to go for Monday with the sale - good luck, I'm sure these packs will fly out of the door.