Wednesday, September 18, 2024



While I was in the basement doing laundry I cut some of the dark blue fabrics for my pinwheel quilt.

After that I mailed packages from my destash sale on WandafulQuilts.  The grocery store is across from the post office so I made a stop there too.  
I spent some time trimming leaves off the tomato plants so there would be better airflow and hopefully sunlight hitting the green tomatoes.  After what I thought was a lot of trimming I could hardly see any difference in the plants.

Last night I paired the dark blues with the leftover light blue triangles and started sewing them.

I had intended to trim the pink/green triangle quilt and cut the binding but instead I was reading.  On my last trip to our local thrift shop I found 3 books from authors I have previously read.  I hadn't read a novel in 4 years. The only books I have read in that time period are quilt books.


Donna said...

Love the blues! And It's been a long while since I've read a novel...

Linda said...

Oh I like those blues! We are still getting a few tomatoes off our poor, dried up vines. Although I miss the feel of a book in my hand, I read on my iPad now. It is bright and clear for my old eyes!

Julierose said...

Those light/dark pairings look so great, Wanda! I love blue...;)))
64 here and foggy with sun trying to peek through.
Today was food shopping so I'll consider that my walk for the day...
I am trying to organize things [must be Fall making me feel the need to get things straightened out].
Hope your weather is as nice as ours has been this week--hugs, Julierose

Barbara Anne said...

What delicious blues!!! I look forward to seeing this quilt grow.
Hope your leaf trimming over the green tomatoes helps more than you anticipate.
I read novels and mysteries every day as lupus fatigue requires I rest all too often. I've always loved to read tho for a decade or more in my 60s I seldom read and realized I missed it.
Our high today is to be 75*F with intermittent rain.


patty a. said...

The blues are so pretty!

JJM said...

Beautiful Blues both light and dark.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love the blues. I read so much that it interferes with quilting! I need to check your shop I have not been on line much