Monday, July 10, 2023

Binding started...............

I did everything I could think of to avoid working on this binding.  I finally decided I needed to just do it.  I have started the hand sewing but it will probably take all week since it won't be a priority.  The end of the month is 3 weeks away and that is its final deadline.  I promise it won't take that long though.

I pressed the batik leaf backing fabric which I showed yesterday and sewed the long seam and pressed it open.  It is laying on my longarm frame right now.  I have to be careful how I load it because it is filling almost the whole frame.

The last couple days I have spent time outside cutting volunteer trees and bushes and pulling weeds.  Here is an update on the sunflower the squirrels planted. There are a couple more small ones too.

I decided I needed to move the volunteer tomato plants because they were right next to a cage.  When I started to dig out what I thought was 2 plants close together, I found out it was 3.  I separated them, planted them in the back of the raised bed which I had left open (hoping for volunteers) and put cages around all 3.  That now gives me 6 plants in that bed plus one small one that I'll probably put in a pot.  I have 3 others that I bought when they went on sale for $1.50 each, in pots, and 3 along the driveway up front.  That gives me 13 plants and 2 for the neighbor girl.  Right now I only have one tomato in the house to finish ripening and only one on the plants starting to turn. The weather is perfect for the plants right now and rain predicted twice this week so I'm hopeful for enough for my lunch salad.


Julierose said...

That is such a lovely quilt--almost finished!!:)))
We finally are getting that much needed rain this morning--over 1.8" so far and coming straight down...looking forward to its turning everything green once more. hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your tomatoes are taking off growing and some of mine are winding down and almost all that were on them have ripen and have been eaten or canned. I have some that are still producing but it is slowing down.
I have not been putting deadlines on my quilting like you do, in fact I have not been as interested in my quilting this summer as I normally am - I have done so much over the years I guess I am just slowing down with it.

JJM said...

Good start on the binding, and sounds like you decided to work on it ~ like its name ‘Snails Trail’ with your timing . (*._.*)

Oh what nice big bud for your sunflower…


Linda Swanekamp said...

I got the binding on three baby quilts and sewn. And I washed them, labels on. I got them packaged to send, but had to travel back to PA to help with the grandkids, so it did not get mailed. My grandson (5) had an accident last week and is in a wheelchair, so this is my 2nd trip in a week to help with him and the 1 yr. old. Between the eye surgery and this, I am really behind on sewing. Hoping my flower pots get watered at home.

Barbara Anne said...

Love this Snail's Trail quilt and wish I had seen that fabric line and bought some but missed it totally. Oh, well!

A Snail's Trail quilt has long been on my to-do list along with a Storm At Sea quilt. I have the fabrics, so maybe this year?

How sweet to share your tomatoes with your young neighbor!


Patty said...

The binding look good on the snail’s trail quilt. Just stitch on it for 15 minutes a day and it will be done before you know it! Wow you have tomato plants everywhere! Now you just need some tomatoes. So far my zucchini are not producing any fruit.