Rachel Kinsey Clark came to our guild about 14 years ago and presented a jacket class where you take a lot of left over blocks with the same flavor and then make filler pieces to work them all together on the jacket. Here are some of the pieces I was working with. I never made the jacket but have kept all of the pieces together.

This morning this little bunny hopped through the backyard to eat some of the wet vegetation. I'm sure he was happy for a drink.

The first storm went south and west of me. But that 2nd one about midnight was really something. Continuous lightning and thunder for over an hour. I've never seen anything like it.
I got quite a bit of rain from that one - but no wind to speak of from either one. I did hear the tornado siren up here tho; seemed a tad late, since the storm had been going on for quite awhile already.
No power failure for me, thankfully.
Do you still have the spool pattern? I've had a project for scrappy spools in mind for months now and I really like the offset layout of the ones you've shown!
Glad the worst of the storms missed you - LOVE the bunny photo!
and the Cardinal said "yum, tomatoes! Maybe I will blend in and she will not see me here."
Love the cardinal and bunny pictures! The pieces for the jacket are really interesting -- would make a fabulous jacket, I bet.
I'm happy to look at your old stuff, I'm happy to look at your new stuff! It's amazing the variety you have. The bargello part of the almost-jacket is really nice.
We have had baby bunnies in our yard for some time now. We've counted as many as 8 rabbits at once. Not great for the garden, but they are so cute.
Wow, okay. 14 and 18 years ago. The pre-jacket melange is strangely appealing... :-)
I thought there for a minute I'd clicked on someone else's blog - I had to scroll back up to see the header to make sure I was here!
It was dry and 106* here yesterday. Wish we could've got your rain.
I really like your spools on the left. Neat fabric for the thread! Neat cardinal and bunny pictures. I know you have to be fast to get them. I have posted my photos of some fabrics I have selected to start a Blooming 9 Patch. I would appreciate any and all input for my next selections.
Love your nature photos. Those Cardinals are really striking.
Nice blocks prejacket!
I will miss seeing your pieces & parts.
I so like Rachel Clark's work, and you have taken workshops from such interesting textile artists. The cardinal sure seems to be watching you. Good photo catch!
Wanda, I've really enjoyed your series of "parts" posts, perhaps because they make me feel less guilty about my own. You've got two or three obvious groupings (black and white, pastel/colorwash, and bright/batik). I think you should incorporate all your "spare parts" into 3 different quilts.
Your 'pieces and parts' are timeless in my opinion. I too really like what you designed for R.K.Clark's jacket class.
Your photo's of birds and animals are amazing. Seems they all pose for you. I know where you live and to have that many birds and animals come visit you in town is a bonus.
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