No energy, lots of humidity
I don't deal with humidity very well. I also don't like air conditioning all that well, and since I don't have central air, the house is cooled very unevenly with 2 window units near the center of the house. I finally did turn on the A/C yesterday afternoon and the stickiness is gone. My energy has returned a little but I can't say I accomplished anything yesterday. I looked at the leftovers from 2 previous quits and admired them. That took about an hour!! LOL.
Last night I embroidered another of Laurel Burch's animals for the quilt I will eventually make for the guest room twin bed. Now I have 4 done, at least 20 to go.
It's a dreary, gray morning, but they aren't promising us very much (if any) rain out of this front moving through. The Canadian cold front should be here this afternoon. Thank you Canada!
I put some Laurel Burch animals on the bib of an apron and it was wonderful. One of my daughters immediately took it home with her. :) Now I have to make another for myself. blessings, marlene
It was hot and as humid as can be here yesterday too. Silly me, I went for a wander downtown and thought I was going to melt by the time I got home! It's still hot and humid here, but I think the cold front is coming -- we have thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow.
Your "leftovers" are gorgeous -- no wonder you spent an hour or so admiring them.
We have the same awful humidity here, with only a slim chance of rain. I ran errands early this morning and just got back from a walk (need to do that to strengthen my leg after surgery) and I am dripping hot. Yuk! But all in all, this summer has been milder than any since we've lived here. Your gorgeous fabrics should cheer you a bit!
We had a heat wave last week which makes the chill this week seem colder than it really is. But our "cold" front left, or is trying to, today. The sun is shining, but my toes are chilly in sandals, and some leaves are no longer green, so that time of year is coming (I refuse to say the word though).
Love your LB animals. They brighten any gray day, as does your stash. I understand, from you, the value of going through my fabrics. The colors are inspiring as well as uplifting, and who knows what will come out of just looking at them again!
Amen, Wanda. My output is SO slowed in this kind of weather. It's a wonder I get anything accomplished at all.
I love the animal. Do you just happen to have those floss colors, or do that come with the image? I've never really cottoned to her fabrics, but this embroidery is a whole 'nother thing.
The cold front is here after a couple of days of thunderstorms. It's is such a relief! I hope you get it there soon. It makes all the difference to have cool weather. I'm with you on the air conditioning. I much prefer cool outdoor air.
Love your leftovers photo!
Not too thrilled to hear about your humidity in Sandwich...
Your left over fabrics are a joy to look at. I found myself designing a piece myself just from looking at them.
The detail in Laurel Burch's designs are whimsical fun.
Love that stack of fabric...
Our weather has been nice so no complaints from me on that one & I let my husband be in charge of the AC. I haven't been miserable, so he must be doing a good job.
I love those dogs!
We have had enough of the cold, looking forward to some warmer patches, before the dreaded summer heat & humidity come back.
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