Quilting and binding
I know I am slow at hand finishing the binding on a quilt. I have been working on the Star Trip binding for 2 days and it isn't done yet. Obviously I am not spending all day at it. I started quilting the one I basted but haven't gotten far on that either. Hopefully there will be a quilt picture tomorrow.I did go out and take a couple pictures yesterday. This is the flower on a plant that a friend gave me years ago. She called it a heliotrope, and I would guess that it is the native plant variety because it will grow anywhere and spreads like crazy. This flower is about 4' tall and very delicate looking.
It is really hard to get a picture of the beauty of the yellow primroses. In person they are just a mass of happiness. In a picture they are a bunch of spots. Here are the ones in front next to a native lambs ear, another that spreads and is hard to get rid of. On the right is the gold mound spirea bush in bloom.
I think I had about 70 visits from that link to stamp basket quilts from the Netherlands yesterday. She evidently has a popular blog to have so many readers link from it.
The heliotrope is just so pretty!
I like the contrasts of your plants.
Your garden is looking so lovely at the moment, and nature is our greatest inspiration!
Always enjoy your photo's. You have a talent that captures beauty from fabric to the photo's you take.
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