I have 6 giveaways. You can enter your name for ONE of them. This gives you a better chance of winning, with fewer names on each item. Leave me a comment on this post or email me directly with your (one) choice that you would like to win. Be sure to identify yourself in some manner if you don't have a link to a blog or website. This can be just initials and the state you are from if you want.
I will take entries until midnight July 4th, Central Standard Time in the US. Then I will use the Random Number Generator to pick the winner for each item. I will post the winners in the morning on July 5th. Then you will need to let me know your mailing address so I can send your prize to you.
Since I am sending so many things, I have put together smaller groups of scraps than I originally planned. I want to be able to mail everything out in Tyvek type envelopes to save on shipping costs. You can see from the pictures below that there is a good variety in each of the scrap piles.

This is so generous of you! I would like to be in the drawing for #1, please!
I'm a bit torn but finally decided that I'd like to be put in the #5 batik draw. I do love scraps.
Wow -- what an incredibly difficult choice!! I'm torn, but decided on #5 - batik scraps. I also love scrap quilts and love batiks!
Oh, it is a difficult decision, but I, also, would like to be entered for #5. They are all great prizes.
#1 will look awesome in my new office space! Congratulations on your blogiversary. I will have your 4th QOV quilted in celebration - it's getting loaded today! If my guests had not exhausted me it would already be loaded and quilting started. Oh well, I'm grateful to have friends that weill visit!
Hi Wanda, pop my name down for the draw for the scraps so gorgous 30's repro fabrics, choice number 4, they are as good as your blog, brilliant.
No joking, I do enjoy your blog, thanks so much for spending the time to keep on posting.
Thanks again, Stephanie
WOW!!! What a great celebration. I am going to choose #1 even though it is a hard choice. I hope to read many more years of posting.
Put me down for #1 please. Hannah
#6. Thank You!
Congratulations Wanda! This is a tough choice, but my fabric addiction won out. I'm hoping for #4. Thanks for doing this. What great items!!!
#5 Batiks. Love your blog.
Pam in SC
Oh NO! I would love the 30's scraps #4, you made the decision hard!
great giveaways, your being soooo generous.
Your batik quilts are so inspiring that I would love to have some of your scraps, #5! What wonderful choices!!
Hi Wanda,
We should be showering you on your anniversary... you've given so much joy to all of us...
Number 1 would be my pick...
Mary Ann from your "Strips that Sizzle" class in the past
I am going to join the crowd and hope for #5. I can invision a miniature paper pieced quilt.
Congrats on your bloganniversary! Please enter me for #6.
Number 6 please! i could use these scrapt to try to imitate your work!
Too many wonderful choices but since my chances look better, #3 your great postcard.
Lovely anniversary prizes! Love #1, please enter me for that one!
Oh, you are so generous! A girl can never have too many batik scraps so put me down for group #5. (Although I really like that #1 wallhanging - just don't have any place to hang it to do it justice.)
Thank you for the opportunity to share in your gifts, please enter me for #5.
#4 please. I have a new pattern that uses repros. These would fit right in with my few pieces.
Thank you again for your generosity. Yes, I agree, we should be gifting you. What would you like for your blogiversary?
Wow what a wonderful selection of giveaways to choose from! I would be very happy to receive #3, the colours caught my atten immediately.
Thank you for your generosity. I don't mind missing out on the studio visit but do keep up with posting photos of your quilts etc. as I get so much inspiration from you.
What gorgeous giveaways. After along think I'd love to win Number 1, the flowers wall hanging.
love and hugs Gina xxx
So hard to choose! Can you put my name in for #4 please. I could have a great time with those 30's fabrics.
Congrats on your bloganniversary :o)
What a kind person you are.
Oh goodness me - what choice. Um 5 and 6 (head or tails). Ok 6 please.
Happy blogiversary
You are not only a prolific artist but incredibly generous. Every day is a delight.
Please put me in for #4
It would be great for a baby quilt next up on my list.
Thanks for the eye candy.
Congratulations on your 1 year blogoverary! I'd like to be in the drawing for # 5.
What a great way to do this! I'd love to be in drawing #5. Thanks!
#2 please!
It was a hard choice as you do beatiful work, and your scraps are even beautiful too, lol.
Congrats on your blogiversary.
After all your inspiration, how could I not want to be in the drawing for the batik scraps, #5. How fun. Colleen
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I would like # 4 please. I just love the look of the 30's repos. Terry
Please enter my name against the draw for the #5 batik scraps. Thanks for a wonderful year of inspiration!
Hi Wanda, You have put so much into your blog over the last year. I have been visiting often and am learning a lot from your work, and for that I thank you. And your give away offerings are so generous. I am torn between the flower wall hanging and the batik scraps...please put my name down for #1--it is a beauty.
Enjoy your holiday on July 4. We have Canada day tomorrow, July 1 and it promises to be a sunny day.
Hi Wanda,
So many yummy choices.
I would like my name put in for #1; it looks like it could brighten up any spot it resides.
Thanks for your generosity.
Vicky F
GR Mich
Hi Wanda,
#5 Batik scraps are my favorite! What fun could be had with these!
Thanks for such a kind and generous give-away! Please enter me in the drawing for #6.
Hi Wanda - I am a faithful reader of your blog. What a great give-a-way!! Would you include me in with your contest? I would enjoy the Batick scraps (#5). Denise from Sacramento.
Hi, Wanda. This is very sweet of you to offer so much! I'll put my name in for #6, the regular fabric scraps. Thank you!
I think I'm still in for the postcard. It would look great with my collection........*S*
You've gone to so much work for this giveaway.....thx for all that.
I'll give you congrats on the big day.
Wanda--Happy anniversary and thank you for your blog. I found your blog through a link from Melody. After I have read her blog and yours, I go and take a nap.
Please count me in for drawing 5.
July 4th is my granddaughter's birthday so what a great day that is for me! I love the bow tie quilt so I'm picking number 2. Thanks so much for doing this. Blessings, marlene
I would love to be in the drawing for the 30's repro fabrics.
Liz in SC
I just found your blog today and I will certainly come back and visit often! Please put me in for #3, I love bowties!!!
Sorry, it's me, I meant #2!!!
Hi Wanda - Love your blog and look forward to each new entry. Your quilts are wonderful and provide so much inspiration. Thanks for the great anniversary giveaways! Please enter my name in the drawing for #1. Glenna in Overland Park, KS.
Congratulations on your Blogiversary!! I read & enjoy it every day. Please add my name to the crowded field of #5.
Phyllis in Burbank.
Wanda, hearty congratulations on your blogiversary!! Your blog has become an important part of my dat! And please put me in for #2. Although it was hard to make a choice. #1 pulled at me a lot.
Mary G.
Love your blog, I read it every day.
#6 please.
Oooo.... now is my chance to have some Wanda-Art! Please enter me for #3.
Wanda, please add my name to the drawing for #2.
(I absolutely and have always adored #1 and I could certainly add the #5 scraps to my stash; but if my name is chosen for #2, I'd like to donate the tiny quilt to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (with your permission, of course) since it is the PERFECT size to become a Priority Quilt. (funding research and raising awareness through art ~ one quilt at a time)
You are amazing to share so many giveaways ~ and so much of your beautiful work with all of us. Hearty congratulations on the upcoming blogging milestone!!!
Hi! Congratulations on your blogiversary! I would love it if you could add my name to hat number 6. I'm a faithful reader, though not a blogger myself (yes, of course a quilter!). I'm Elise from LA.
You have a lovely lovely blog. Thank you for writing it!
Hi wanda
just recently found your blog and love your work. please enter me in the drawing for #1. i just love the colors and have the perfect place to hang it.
mary m
hope you are taking drawees from Canada! If so, pleases put my name in #5. I find your work inspiring and fun to read.
Happy blogiversary. A great giveaway. I would love to join in the draw for #4 the repro scraps. I'm collecting for a quilt in these fabrics so it would be nice to win these.
happy blogabirthday :-) #5 thank you
Happy Blogaversary to you!
Wow, what a giveaway!
I would love to be entered for number 6 although it was a difficult decision. (Number 1 and 3 are gorgeous too!)
Please enter me in for drawing #4, I'm drooling and my palms are sweating. Thanks for a chance to win your scraps.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I'm going to put my name in the drawing for #1. Just love the little wall hanging! I also enjoy visiting your blog everyday.
Thanks for offering the giveaways! I'd like to be in the running for #4 please!
Holey Moley! It's a party! Add me for number 1 please and thank you !
#1 please, it would look great in my home, and besides, its finished.
Karen L
Wanda, thank you so much for your wonderful blog - sharing all your knowledge and your beautiful quilts. You are my favorite blog read every day! So much inspiration! Please put me in the drawing for #3, the postcard.
Congrats on your upcoming blogversery. Hmmm, your prizes all are great, but since I must choose one -- I choose the batik scraps.
Wow, such a hard decision! Okay, please enter me in the hat for #6. Your work is so inspiring. Congrats on your blogaversary and thanks for all you share.
WOW!! so much to choose from. I would love number 1 please, and thank you for your wonderful blog. It's the first one I go to every morning with coffee in hand. Your give us all so much inspiration.
Elizabeth in Melbourne.
Oooh, hard to choose, but I would love #4, the 30s scraps. Thanks for the chance.
Happy 4th of July!, early. I enjoy your blog!
I wish you had asked everyone to tell you where they were from....I'm from Maryland.
Please enter me for #5. Thank you!
Oh my, you are so generous!
Enjoy your blog so much, many thanksto Diane for gettinig you started!
I LOVE red, tho' haven't gotten to the point that I considerit a neutral. Please sign me up for #3.
What a great blog and a generous gift. Very difficult choice on the prizes, but I think I'll go for #6. Then I can play with them and dream of being you when I grow up!
I read your blog every day, and I love your #1!
SLW from MT
Always get inspired looking at your blog. So sign me up for #6. Your fabric choices are inspirational so I hope I am the recipient.
Definitely #5, the batiks please - congratulations on your bloggiversary
I'd be tickled to win #6, the scraps.
I always enjoy your blog so much.
n, np
Number 3 is wonderful. That is my choice.
Wanda - it is too hard to make a choice! But I know I want a finished piece and those Bowties are calling my name. What I REALLY want is the quilt at the top in the sidebar ;-)
Happy Blogaversary! #6 I love looking at all your quilts.
I thought I put my name in but didn't see it here, so will officially ask to be in the draw for #1.
Thanks for your faithfulness in posting daily and being a great encouragement!
it's a tough choice, but I definitely don't need any more scraps! I love tiny quilts, so I'll put my name in for #2.
Thanks for a wonderful blog...
Please put me in #1...such a hard choice to make! Your too generous.
Thanks from geocacher: joe tulips!
(Julie to the muggles)
Hi Wanda,
What a nice thing to do to celebrate your blog-anniversary. I come often to see your beautiful quilts and be inspired. Your colors are all so rich.
My choice would be the reproduction fabrics #4 even though I love the batiks. I don't have any repro fabrics in my stash. Perhaps I will be a lucky winner... If not someone else will be indeed be fortunate to win your lovely bits and pieces of fabric.
I wish you continued success with your blog. It is always interesting to come and visit.
Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,
Hmmm, changing my mind...#1 would be my choice. This is exciting!
What a lovely giveaway you're hosting! I enjoy your blog very much and have it in my Bloglines. Happy blogiversary, and would you add me to your drawing for #5? Thank you!
You're so generous! Adding to my stash is very tempting, but a piece of your art on my wall is more tempting. So #1 please.
Thanks, my fingers are crossed.
I suppose I will go in the cattegory of not leaving a comment. I do try to read your blog everyday even though I do not have one of my own.
I read very few blogs, but love the color and style of yours. So while I leave my first comment I will also say thank you for sharing your gift with us.
I have to put in for #5, the batik scraps. CM in Mac Oregon.
I read you every day, but seem to have missed this?
I would like to be entered for No 1. You have shared some of your wonderful scraps with me already.
I know quilters are famed for their generosity, but this is fabulous! Please put my name in for the batik scraps - I love the yummy colours of batiks!
I would love to have #2 for my mini-quilt collection. You are so generous as well as talented.
Please put my name in the drawing for #1 - it is just lovely. Enjoy reading your blog each morning.
I don't feel like I should put my name in your drawing since I have been a member of your art group.
I get so much from your generosity ,but, if you must know I favor the postcard #3.
Oh, my...goodness.....impossible to make a choice. SO....I did MY version of a "random" number generator and put the prize #'s in a hat.....and #1 came out! (I'd be thrilled with ANY of them, of course, but since we had to choose just 1, that's the number that popped out of the hat and into my hand!)
Pat in DE (from the Sloanie group)
I just used batik for the frist time and loved the difference it made in my quilting. Thanks for thinking of us and for considering me for #5!
Hi, I just found your blog and I am really enjoying reading your posts and looking at your wonderfully inspiring work. Congratulations on your blogiversary!! You are so generous with your prizes. Thanks for the opportunity to win one. I love them all...so let's see...I would love an entry for the 30's repro fabrics.
Woo hoo! Another giveaway. Enter me for #1, please. My blogaversary is coming up in August when I will also turn 50. I'm still trying to come up with a giveaway that connects them 2.
I love your musings on gardening and quilting. I hope the little bird is ok. You always have great things to say about color. Thus the title, I guess. Your contest is very cool. Please enter me for number 6. I see a cool Laurel Burch stripe peeking out.
Lois from NJ
Your blog has been a big inspiration to me----Thank you!
I'd love to take a chance on the postcard, #3.
Patchhead Sister
OH wow!!! What a neat idea.
I'd like to take a chance on the 1930's scraps............ I believe that is #4
Oh I'd like a shot at #5. How absolutely wonderful of you to offer this giveaway. I just had one over the weekend -- aren't they fun. It's such a great thing to give back to the folks that inspire us to blog. Your work is beautiful and the fact that you are sharing it is even more so.
Please enter me in to win number 1!!! Thanks a ton and love your page!
Thank you for your wonderful blog that is such an inspiration for so many. It would be an honor to win anything and especially something you have made personally. Please put me in the drawing for #2.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! It is so generous of you to do this great giveaway.
I have been reading your blog every day for a while now and really love it. I love your work, and I LOVE the name of your blog--it matches so perfectly!
I think I'll go with #5. I just adore batiks.
wady, many congrats from overseas for that bloganiversary
my choice is nr 2
Congratulations on your anniversary!! I would like to be in for #5. I think the challenge of making some things from those scraps would be a whole lot of fun.
Doreen K.
Hmm. competition is heating up, #3
please. Happy 4th,
Hi Wanda,
Happy blogaversary!
Please include me in the drawing for #2.
Thanks! Jeanne
Happy 1 Year Blog Anniversary! Please enter me in the drawing for #4. What a great giveaway. Thanks!
#4 please. I would love to win the 30's repros. I'm making a repro of a 30's quilt that my grandmother passed on to me. I found your blog through persnickety quilts and I'm glad I did...what an inspiration.
Woo-hoo, under the deadline! Sign me up for #5, please.
[strange accent]Yes, I should also like to be for #5 signed up, please?[/strange accent]
...just kiddin'.... : )
I NEED your batik scraps! I have batik butterfly blocks waiting for some scraps for the sashing. So enter me for number 5.
#1 really says, "Me! Me!" I mean, sure it would be great to get some scraps, but it's just not the same as a Wanda Creation!
Congratulations Wanda!
First of all I would like to thank you for blogging. Love to see all youre projects and getting loats of gratafication and inspiration. So, happy blogaversary and up to the next one :)
For the drawing U would like to enter for #4.
Kind Regards,
Hi Wanda, Congratulations on your blogiversary!!!!
You know I enjoy it every day!!
I love your post cards, so #3, thank you.
Love, jmh
I'll throw my hat in the ring for #5, the batiks. Congratulations on your anniversary!
Sarah (almost next door)
How sweet of you to do this, Wanda. The odds aren't the best, but my choice would be #1 the flower wallhanging.
Dear Wanda,
Happy Blogaversary. Please enter me in #3, the Fiber art postcard. It will grace my wall with that of my DD's (if I'm the lucky winner).
Thanks for a great year. Hoping for many many more.
I love your stuff. Could you plese sign me up for number 2 - I love the bowtie!!
Thanks - Patty in Burning up California
Congratulations and thanks for your daily posts. Your quilts and colors are such an inspiration! Please put my name in for #5.
Betty in VA
WOW a contest party ... what fun. My choice is any of them but if I have to state a specific number then make it #5. THANKS
I thought that I had already left a comment, but don't see it, so.......Congratulations on your bloganniversary. My choice would be for #4.
You sure make it hard to choose- I am leaning towards #2 I would hang this on my wall going down my stairs if I win
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