According to my wildflower book, this is a Common Evening Primrose. Everything matches except mine are open in the daytime too. They are just starting to bloom. I'll post a picture of the mass of yellow in a few days.I did find one Dianthus that survived from last year. Way down inside the leaves were 2 lily blooms. Can you stand one more peony picture? The hydrangeas ore sending out their buds. This bush has the flowers that are white and then turn lime green for the summer. Click on any of the pictures for a closer view. It is bright and sunny this morning. Did I mention it is hot and humid? Storms predicted for tonight.
Hi Wanda, It is cool (40's,50's) here in Seattle.Rainy,cloudy and I need 2 sweatshirts. I wish you could see the flowers here. The rhodedendrums are huge and colorful. The peonies and roses are so gorgeous. There is much inspiration here for gardeners and quilters.Enjoy the heat . Louise
I talked to my grand daughter this morn and she told me it was like Nov. where she lived. (across the Puget Sound from Seattle) It is just the North West's turn for a cool spring and I would bet a cool summer as well. We sure had a HOT spring and summer last year. And I prefer cool to hot weather.
Your flowers photo's are always a treat... Thanks for sharing.
Love all the flowers - never tire of the beautiful Peonies! Your Hydrangea leaves look softer than ours, but perhaps they toughen up as summer moves on.
Hi Wanda,
It is cool (40's,50's) here in Seattle.Rainy,cloudy and I need 2 sweatshirts. I wish you could see the flowers here. The rhodedendrums are huge and colorful. The peonies and roses are so gorgeous. There is much inspiration here for gardeners and quilters.Enjoy the heat .
Yes, I love seeing more Peony's. Unless we get some sun I don't think mine are every going to bloom. I appreciate the inspiration.
I talked to my grand daughter this morn and she told me it was like Nov. where she lived. (across the Puget Sound from Seattle) It is just the North West's turn for a cool spring and I would bet a cool summer as well. We sure had a HOT spring and summer last year. And I prefer cool to hot weather.
Your flowers photo's are always a treat... Thanks for sharing.
Love all the flowers - never tire of the beautiful Peonies!
Your Hydrangea leaves look softer than ours, but perhaps they toughen up as summer moves on.
Beautiful! I could never get my hydrangeas to bloom. It looks like yours will be filled!
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