The binding has to be the part I like the least in quiltmaking but when I put in that last stitch, oh, the satisfaction of having another quilt finished. Here is the front........
and the pieced back. I cut the beach ball fabric on the lengthwise grain for borders so I wouldn't have to piece them and then I didn't have enough for the backing. The bead fabric in the center is harder to use in a design so it is great for backing.
On the nature front, my coreopsis are starting to bloom. I couldn't decide if I liked them better against these purple coral bell leaves
or against the pretty hosta. The coreopsis reseeded all over the flower bed so I will have another mass of yellow when the primroses are done.
I sent my package to Clare in France for the leukemia quilts yesterday. I found some pinwheels left over from a quilt I made 18 years ago for my grandson. I also sent her some larger pieces of the older red calicoes that I knew I wouldn't be needing so she can use them for sashing and backings.
After reading the comments yesterday on my slump and many finished UFO's, I came to the conclusion that Elsie's and Kim's really related to me. Elsie said a teacher had given her permission to have attention deficit and to let it work for her. Now I need permission from all of you. Please!
Kim's comment about making a list to be able to check when she can't decide what to do made sense. When I am acting in a state of indecision, I rarely remember which projects I could actually pick up and work on. As far as putting the list on my blog, I think I will just hang it on my bulletin board in my studio.
Thank you all of you commenters for helping me to think through this slump/indecision time.
Wanda, I'm not a teacher, but I am a mother, and I give you permission to be attention deficit and to use it to your advantage! From the stunning creativity you showcase in your blog, you obviously have any and all deficits safely in hand!
Oh, what a wonderful picture to see on first click!
I've finally given up on hand-done bindings, unless the quilt has a special purpose. There just aren't enough hours in the day!
Great job!
What a gorgeous finish! Love the colours, as usual -- and I love the backing.
Don't know why, but I enjoy putting the binding on a quilt. For me it's a good time to reflect on what was going on while I was making the quilt.
I agree. Sit down with a nice cold/hot drink and make a list of what you think your current priorities are. Let your mind wander around while you do it. Then at least you get the big picture. If you don't feel like working on any of it, read a book. *S*
I love today's quilt with the stars. And I, too, like to do the hand binding. It's relaxing for me.
Another beautiful finish. I love the bands of color running across that quilt. I think the list idea for UFO's is a good one--it's working for me.
The newest quilt is really great. I love it. The back is as nice as the front. I definitely need more than one project on the go at a time because I get bored doing the same thing over and over.
Yst another beautiful quilt!
I'm with Joyce! I have a short attention span and need to have several projects on the go at the same time. Different people work in different ways. Stick to waht has always worked for you, and then if you get a slump, go for a long walk, do some gardening or knead some bread dough. That'll give your brain rest and some refeshment!
Wanda, this is the first time I have commented on your blog. I look forward to reading it everyday before I go to work. I went to a Kaffe Fassett lecture last year when he was in Australia and he said he always as at least 6-7 projects on the go at once. So if he can do it I think we can all do it. I also do the list thing as well. I think your quilts are fantastic and they provide a lot of inspiration to us all.
Thank you.
Oh Wanda, What a spectacular quilt.
Gorgeous Quilt! Love the back as much as the front.
Your garden is spectacular too.
Reading your blog has given me a new start on some of my old projects. (Your brown chain quilt sparked me into finishing a blue quilt I'd been stuck on forever). I say seize the day, grab the idea when you have it, and if that gives you too many ideas, well, that's better than too few. Making a list helps me see where I'm getting bogged down or stuck; a change of scenery (physically or mentally) is also sometimes what I need. Thanks for the inspiration, and don't worry about your indecisive days, that's just when all your ideas are mixing together getting ready to make new combinations.
I find it hard to believe you would be in a slump but ... hey it happens. The "take a walk" "fresh air" are all good suggestions.
I heard this treasure, maybe from Margaret Miller,and she said, "Don't wait for something to inspire you, DO something and you will be inspired." I liked that one a LOT! Usually works for me.
Love that quilt!!! You have such a gift with colors, daring, bodacious, close to outrageous, but definitely marvelous.
What a great quilt! It came out fabulously. I used to hate doing binds too - and went so far as to pay someone to do them! Then i discovered hoe relaxing they can be to do - and now I love doing bindings - it's one of my favorite things to do !
Okay, everyone else has said it all. But I must get on the band wagon and tell you what a beautiful quilt you have made. I love the bright colors. Your flower pictures make me want to go outside and start a flower garden.
Beautiful Wanda...just beautiful. Love the back as much as the front!
Another gorgeous quilt! You may get in slumps, but you still motivate me to keep at this long UFO list, that keeps getting longer! Oh well, better than spending time in bad habits!
Have a great day!
Oh, Zowie! Another smashing finish....
What a fun quilt!
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