Lists over the years
When I mentioned making a list of priority UFO's I received several comments about lists. I remember when I was in my 20's and early 30's and I was a seamstress working out of my home. I also had 2 small children and helped out in the family business when I was needed. Whatever the client brought to my house, I sewed it. It was anywhere from childrens' playwear to chiffon or velvet bridesmaid dresses. I also did the altering for a menswear store for 4 years. (Plus I made all of my own clothes and most of my kids' clothes.) I used to make list of what I thought I could accomplish each day. I would make the list for each day of the week all at one time. I would usually finish everything for the first day and a couple second day things on the first day. The second day I would finish that day's list and do a few of tomorrow's list, and so it went through the week creating a free day eventually because I always accomplished more than I thought I could.Fast forward to being in my 60's: I make a disjointed, hard to decipher list and I'm lucky if I accomplish half of what is on the list. Either I don't make very good lists anymore or I don't have the energy of a 20-30 year old any more. Maybe it's a little of both, but mostly the latter. LOL.Here are the blocks so far on the latest quilt. I need to add a lot more green back in, but it does still have the feel of a cool summer day. Click on it for a clearer view of the fabrics.
Like you, I can't believe what I used to get done with 4 kids and a full time job. I thought when I retired I'd get tons more done. Not so. I do less. It's either lack of initiative or old age or both. Maybe we've just found out how pleasant life is when you can relax.
Oh ladies, what a subject! I think beeing born around 1940-45 has something to do with it.
First, Wanda, I'm glad I clicked on that current quilt - the fabrics are evenBETTER up close.
Lists? I DO accomplish a lot, (why do we need to validate our life by 'accomplishments'? -- back to the subject -- some days my list is composed of 'wash hair', 'make coffee', 'sit on deck', etc. Looks good when crossed off my list! I feel like I've done SOMETHING with a lost day.
I am a list maker ~ but the good news is I am less bothered by what is NOT crossed off at the end of each day! I'm not measuring myself QUITE as harshly as I did in my younger years...
LOVE the fabrics close up ~ cool
I'm a sometimes list maker, too, but I've given myself permission to go "off-list" sometimes. Life is too short...
I love the little bits of pink here and there. It reminds me of sitting in the shade in a garden.
I'm laughing with you about the list making. Lists can be such a task-master. I used to make them, quit, found I was unable to totally be without them, and now list only the stuff that MUST be remembered. All my goals and wanna-dos don't get put there. Otherwise they loom over my head like a 'bossy master' instead of eventually seeping out of my heart and getting done!
Age? Maybe the energy level has something to do with this change, but let's call it "advancing wisdom" instead!!
I also love your latest quilt!
The fabrics in that quilt remind me of a summer's day, sitting under a tree and watching dappled light play on some surface of water. It's wonderful!!
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I feel that you need a brown/green mix batik and neon green 4-patches for the next couple of blocks. :)
I'm in the same age group and category as you as far as getting things done!
If we are 2 x 30 shouldn't we be able to get twice as much done?
3 x 20 shouldn't we be able to get 3 times as much done?
Something is wrong with this picture!
Aaah, lists!
I write them, and look at them, and think: Oh. Well. Maybe tomorrow.
Jeanne :)
My lists are for weekends only. Since I still work, albeit only 6 hours a day, I relax on the weekday afternoons when I get home. I HAVE to have a list on the weekend because nothing, I repeat, nothing would get done because I am just so easily distracted. LOL!
Love, love, love this top.
I still make lists, but only occasionally, when I really need to accomplish some things. My energy level is way down, and mostly I'm OK with that! I can't go like I used to when I was younger (I'm creeping up on six-oh), and I figure I'll get done what I can and not beat myself up about it. Somedays all I accomplish is getting a shower or going to the grocery store! *grin*
No list maker. There are just days when I seem to lit from within, & can accomplish much. Other days, I can't seem to get started! Haha.
Love this new quilt, the fabrics are wonderful.
If I have lots going on, or a major project that's complicated, I rely on my lists or I really do forget. But I like to be a little careful about making lists for hobbies because I don't want to turn them into chores. I try to make those lists only when I think they'll be helpful, not get in my way psychologically.
You have some lovely greens in that quilt, but that dark blue in the top right corner is a wonderful fabric!
Your new project is fresh and lovely- can't wait to see it finished.
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About lists- never make them, don't like them. When I worked I would sometimes make mental lists while lying in bed at night and stressing- but everything always got done. I much prefer mentally musing, "Wonder what I'll feel like working on today?"
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