Sunday, July 8, 2007


My sister-in-law gave me some seeds from her columbine 2 years ago and I spread them that fall. I was so disappointed that nothing came up the following year. This year however I had 4 plants, including these 2 in the little space between my garage and sidewalk. I wonder if the seeds need 2 winters before they will sprout. I also wonder if I could freeze some seeds for about a month and then plant them and have plants the next year. Does anyone have the answer for that?


Candy Schultz said...

I planted a clump of columbine about ten years ago and just last year it began to spread all over my garden. I love volunteers so I am letting it go wherever it wants. We have no lawn just garden so it is great to have spreaders. Yours are a beautiful color.

Sue said...

I hope someone answers your question, I'm curious about that, too. I used to have a lot of Columbine in my garden, but for some reason it's died out. Guess it's time to get some seeds and try again!