This is the banner I made for my church a couple years ago. It is for the "ordinary time" which is green and lasts for several months. I haven't been able to get a good shot of it at the church because a stained glass window is right next to it and is too bright.
Wanda, this piece was the inspiration for me to make crazy-pieced diamonds. I had just come back from my mother's memorial service and I didn't know what to do. I started just sewing scraps together. Then I cut them into diamonds, like yours here. Then I realized three diamonds made a hexagon, so my diamonds became hexagons. Then I did some other things. . . the piece is now called 'The Expanding Fabric of Space/Time', and it has been on my design wall for two years now! It has definitely expanded in space and time. . . and someday I will finish it and you will get to see it rather than just read about it. In the meantime, thank you for one more inspiration!!
Short of showing up at your church to see the banner in person, this photo is a great representation. I like the subtle cross in the center. It's a peaceful, contemplative piece.
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