Sunday, January 12, 2025

Past quilt from parts department............

To expand on my "parts department" post yesterday, this is a quilt I made in 2016.  I had a lot of 2" finished triangles that I had previously cut from scraps.  I made the star blocks as my mindless evening sewing for a few months.  Then the blocks got placed on a shelf.  One day I came across them and on the next shelf were leftover red 16 patch blocks from another quilt.  As I moved them and placed one pile on top of the other, I saw that the both sets of blocks were the same size and this quilt was born.  It is one of my favorites and has never been moved to the gifting pile.

I searched my flannel boxes and found 4 more light fabric for triangles.

After I cut the new triangles I paired the fabrics for sewing last night.  I had enough light triangles to match all of the rest of the dark triangles that were cut last year.

I sewed 40 of them last night but will wait to take a picture of all of the remaining sewn squares.  I think there will be around 85 of them.

More parts department finds:  Last year I started sewing 2" strips together and the plan is blocks like the blue one.  I only have enough prepared for 4 blocks but I put them in a project box with a note of what I'm doing.  That is progress....adding the note.

In the same project box were stratas of batiks sewn but none cut for blocks.  I think I was planning something different with these.  Again, there aren't very many of them but I decided it was a good idea to keep them all together in a safe place.

The last box I opened was the Kaffe small scraps and some blocks.  Here is a post that shows some of the blocks from last September.  I'll definitely work on this one soon.

This is a long neglected wall hanging.  It is taped to the table, ready for hand basting, to prepare for ditch quilting.  It has been ready for a couple months and I finally did the first 3 lines of basting.  I took this photo before I started the stitching.  Maybe I'll finish it today.


Julierose said...

Stars and 16 patches came together so well; ))) Very pretty one.
Your colorwash is so gorgeous--I've always loved these quilts you've made...
25 here and looks like we may have sun today--good after yesterday's grayness!!
I took Strawberries all apart (phew using my duck-billed scissors
for safety) and cut away behind the appliques and re-ironed all the seams really flat; hope this will make putting it together go better...I need to layer it up again--may use flannel this time instead of batting--we'll see what I have on hand...
hugs for a great Sunday Julierose

Pam said...

Your wall hanging is spectacular!!

Linda said...

WOW on the wall hanging!!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I am enjoying this review of your parts department boxes! And hooray for stitching those first two basting lines - you'll do more now that you've started! (and why am I not surprised that the Kaffe small scraps box excites you?! grin)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like that star quilt. Yes you probably need to finish basting that last quilt so it can be moved on it is so pretty

cityquilter grace said...

very pretty wall hanging...

Nann said...

I had to look at the first quilt a couple of times to realize that the center triangles of the stars have different arrangements. Love them all. It pays to have a parts department -- and pays even more to visit it regularly to assess the inventory.

JJM said...

What an interesting and fun post today… as the New Year begins you really dove in with plans ahead. And what a grand inventory you have to work with. Another Color Wash supreme to finish up.

Barbara Anne said...

What riches you have in your Parts Dept and your colorwash quilt is gorgeous!! Onward you go!
Our frozen Monday snow and yesterday's added 5" should begin to melt with today's high of 41*F and tomorrow's 50*F. I am so tired of putting on boots and being careful not to slip.


Cherie Moore said...

Your long neglected wall hanging is beautiful! So glad you have started the basting as it so deserves to be finished :)

patty a. said...

Taking the time to put a note of what you are thinking in the box with the parts is such a good idea. I am guilty of not doing that and then going back to a box years later and wondering "what was I thinking?" LOL!!