Thursday, January 23, 2025

Finished table runner and prep work............

I finished the hand sewn binding last night on the red Kaffe fabric table runner.  It is 15" x 31.5".  Now it is time to sew the binding on the other table runner.

I have decided to go with the smaller size Plaid-ish quilt so I got all of the remaining blocks prepped yesterday morning.  There are 2 finished blocks here with the 5 remaining to be sewn.

I had prepped the four dark blocks the night before.  I have enough light blocks already sewn.

I had to take my van out for a ride yesterday to keep the battery charged up so I ended up getting groceries at two places.  It was 23 degrees so it didn't really feel cold.



Mary said...

23 degrees and didn't really feel cold? You tolerate winter weather much better than I do! But, then, I guess you've had a lot more practice than I have. We are on a warming trend. Yea!

Julierose said...

Placemats are looking so good, Wanda; good idea going with the smaller Plaidish...your kits all set up, too;)))
17 here this morning--up a bit later than usual as it was kind of a sleepless night. These occur more frequently these days, but give me a chance to think things through...hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

23 degrees - that's going to the beach weather here in Ohio! LOL!! 23 does feel warm after negative temps. The placemat turned out beautiful!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

when you got from single digits to 23 it does feel better for sure! I missed the table runner somehow - it looks great

Cherie Moore said...

Glad you were able to take your van out. 23 does feel like a heat wave after the temperatures you’ve been having! The runner looks so bright and cheery.

Nann said...

The colorful fabrics nearly leap off the screen! Woke up to snow this morning but the sun came out during our Rotary meeting.

JJM said...

I agree with Nann your fabrics do ‘leap off the screen’ so warm and wonderfully ‘exuberant’ today. Your table runner is magic it takes my breath away. Plaidish blocks that you featured yesterday has me excited to see it completed.

pbj fiber marietta said...

Great use of that dot fabric at the ends!

Barbara Anne said...

Your happy colors in Plaidish are a good antidote to the frosty weather outside.
We're having a heat wave: 35*F today and 42*F tomorrow, then even slightly warmer days. Perhaps our frozen snow that fell 1/10 will finally melt?


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I absolutely love that table runner. It is gorgeous, your best yet, in my opinion!