Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A sewing day..........

I started the day yesterday choosing bindings for the 2 table runners.  I like this stripe with both the front and back of the red Kaffe runner.

This diagonal brush stroke fabric in rust is good for the second table runner.  I cut enough for 2 because I have another similar one ready to quilt.

While in the basement I found 16 blocks I made many years ago and sewed them together into a table topper.

Jack Frost was busy on a cold day that started at -2 and got up to 9 degrees.  It was 0 by bedtime and going to get colder by this morning.  I asked my son to drive me 8 miles to my pacemaker doctor appointment this morning.  I didn't want to be alone on the roads in this kind of cold (wind chill -24).

Last night I sewed 13 more blocks for the Plaid-ish quilt but it was too late to press them and put them on the design wall.


Linda said...

That frost on your window makes a really pretty pattern. Love those blocks you found!

Julierose said...

I love that KF berries stripe!! And that brush strokes fabric is so pretty!! You have a wonderful stash of delightful fabrics.
I like those 16 blocks you unearthed from the basement--very pretty all together.
9 degrees here this morning also--an indoors-ey day here for us.
Take care and stay warm--hope the appt went well...
hugs, Julierose

Libby in TN said...

We must be twins, separated at birth! I'm going through all my UFOs and trying to find ways to use them as-is.

patty a. said...

Those table runners will be done soon. The blocks you put together for the square one are very good looking! Yes, it is so cold. I am glad I got my furnace replaced last fall! It has been running a lot!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Lovely warm colors to work with when it is SO cold! Best wishes for the dr. appointment and the trips there and back.

cityquilter grace said...

ooh love those kansas dugout blocks...and i agree about the rust stripe....isn't jack frost busy these days...lol

Chris said...

You were smart to not head out by yourself! One only my church choir friends got a flat tire while driving home from church!
Thankfully AAA changed her tire quickly and she wasn’t stranded anywhere. Stay warm!

Donna said...

Hope your doctor's appt went well!
Love the colors!!
Stay warm...

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I always love the designs on the windows from Jack Frost - I remember that kind of frost from when we lived in the north. Every day is a sewing day lately with the weather as it is

JJM said...

Bindings ~ Table topper ~ Jack Frost ~ Plaidish blocks ~ such a fun post today and your temperatures have been colder than our temps here in the mountains. And so wise of you to ask your Son to drive you to your appointment this morning . I’m sure you will amaze your Dr. with the progress you’ve made with your new pace maker.

Nann said...

Frost Feathers would be an interesting quilt design and name. It seems that many of us are spending time in our parts departments! We stayed in yesterday and are doing so today.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I just love your Plaidish fabric choices. Smart to not drive alone in this weather.

Anonymous said...

On another blog (fun with Barb) she put a candle on the sill inside—it must look very pretty from outside! ❄️. -Roxanne

Cherie Moore said...

The frost is beautiful but the frigid temperatures are harsh so I’m glad your son is driving you to your appointment. Hope all is well with your pacemaker. I had to chuckle when seeing the beater fabric in the table topper you sewed up.

Barbara Anne said...

Well done on the progress on the runners, their backing/binding decisions, those rediscovered blocks that you sewed up, and your progress on the Plaidish blocks!
I haven't seen frost on a window in ever so long. Lovely!
How nice to be driven to your pacemaker appt by you willing son on such a frosty day, too. Hope all is well with your pacemaker.


MissPat said...

A good idea to have your son drive you to your appointment. It's perfectly okay to ask for help occasionally. I had to go out a 8
AM for a blood draw for my annual wellness visit. Fortunately, the lab is only a mile from my house, but boy, was it cold.
Family members in Texas are posting pictures as they frolic in their very rare snowfall.

online digitizer embroidery said...

Great work!