Monday, January 20, 2025

Cutting and quilting

 Yesterday morning I pressed a pile of fabric and cut 7 more light blocks for the Plaid-ish quilt.  I thought I would get them sewn but instead I decided to quilt 2 table runners.

The first table runner was pieced last year from some leftover Kaffe fabric 4 patches.

This is the backing for the red table runner and will make a nice reversible runner.

This was the second table runner that I quilted last night.  Today I will get both of them trimmed and choose and cut binding.

It was 7 degrees yesterday and today and tomorrow are probably going to be colder.  I feel bad for Houston with a forecast of deep snow.  Our roads are clear and most of the little snow we had gotten has melted.


Julierose said...

Just lovely runners, Wanda--the colorwash is really special ;)))
16 here this morning after a 2" snowfall last night...windchill is 11 right now--brrr...good day to stay in and sew...hugs, Julierose

cityquilter grace said...

we got about 4" or so yesterday but the bitter cold arrived last night...

Libby in TN said...

Currently 5 degrees here with yesterday's snow still covering the driveway. Good weather to stay in and sew ... if the power would stay on!

Linda said...

Love your table runners, especially the gradation!
Our son who lives north of Houston has a forecast of 4-5 inches with lows in the teens and 20s this week. Then by Sunday it will be in the high 60s with a chance of thunderstorms - lol!

Mary said...

I really like the color combos you pulled for your Plaid-ish project. It's not as cold here, but the low 20s is cold enough for me!

Barbara Anne said...

Lovely table runners! Isn't it a delight to get them so close to finished in an evening?!
I'm enjoying watching Plaidish grow.
Our high today is 31*F and low tonight, 11*F. It's a day for layered cozy clothes. Brrrr!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hadn't heard or watched anything that said if the deep south got snow or was that to be tonight I wonder. It has been cold for sure 11 degrees here.Love the table runners

Nann said...

The two runners are totally different but I'd know them both as yours right away!

patty a. said...

The table runners are very pretty! It's cold here - 8 degrees right now - but at least the sun is shining!

NeverBored said...

I'm in NW Wisconsin where I got up to minus 17 degrees this morning. Thank goodness we don't have a wind chill making the temperature even lower, but we will have tonight. The forecast is for a wind chill of minus 28. I'm grateful for sunshine and southern facing windows adding some passive solar heat to the house. Good day for sewing, indeed!

JJM said...

Fun to see your progress on Plaidish ~ even more fun to see your table runners from days gone by get quilted . Both with such delightful fabrics.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I do love seeing your pictures! There is always inspiration here. Your table runners are both so pretty!
I don't think we'll have much, if any snow. Now it is predicted to be more in Galveston. We had that a number of years ago.